Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Year's Eve Safety Information

If you are the host of a part that serves alcoholic drinks, serve non alcoholic drinks as well.
Remember that beer and wine are just as intoxicating as hard liquor.
A 12oz can of beer, a 12oz wine cooler, a 5oz glass of wine and an ounce and a half of liquor contain the same amount of alcohol.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Don't Touch

There are poisonous plants used in decorating that you should not have in your home if you have small children, they include Mistletoe, and poinsettia plants. Poisoning symptoms include diarrhea, stomachaches, rashes and vomiting. Immediately call poison control if you suspect that your child has indested anything.

Tree ornaments, icycles, tinsel, and small toys can cause a choking accident with small children. Needles on the tree are sharp and dangerous and if swallowed can cut the throat. Angel hair is a finely spun glass, and is dangerous if swallowed or can cause eye damage.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Safety tips for home heaters

Wood Stoves and FireplacesWood stoves should have adequate clearance (36'') from combustible surfaces, and proper floor support and protection.
Have the chimney inspected annually and cleaned if necessary, especially if it has not been used for some time.
Do not use flammable liquids to start or accelerate any fire.
Keep a glass or metal screen in front of the fireplace opening, to prevent embers or sparks from jumping out, unwanted material from going in, and help prevent the possibility of burns to occupants.
Don't use excessive amounts of paper to build roaring fires in fireplaces. It is possible to ignite creosote in the chimney by overbuilding the fire.
Never burn charcoal indoors. Burning charcoal can give off lethal amounts of carbon monoxide.
Before you go to sleep, be sure your fireplace fire is out. Never close your damper with hot ashes in the fireplace. A closed damper will help the fire to heat up again and will force toxic carbon monoxide into the house.

Furnace HeatingBe sure all furnace controls and emergency shutoffs are in proper working condition.
Leave furnace repairs to qualified specialists. Do not attempt repairs yourself unless you are qualified.
Inspect the walls and ceiling near the furnace and along the chimney line. If the wall is hot or discolored, additional pipe insulation or clearance may be required.
Keep trash and other combustibles away form the heating system.

Never discard hot ashes inside or near the home. Place them in a metal container outside and well away from the house.
Never use a range or an oven as a supplementary heating device. Not only is it a safety hazard, it can be a source of potentially toxic fumes.
If you use an electric heater, do not overload the circuit. Only use extension cords that have the necessary rating to carry the amp load.
Avoid using electric space haters in bathrooms, or other areas where they may come in contact with water.
Be sure every level of your home has a WORKING SMOKE DETECTOR, and be sure to check and clean it on a monthly basis.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Before a Fire

Compile and document your valuables that could be lost in a home fire.

Include the following:

Photographs and descriptions of antiques and jewelry.

Replacement costs of items.

Dates of purchase.

Keep these documents in a safe location. Like a Safety deposit box or invest in a home vault that is fire safe.

Insurance policies

Title to deeds

Medical records


Income tax records

Birth certificates

Bank books

A list of credit cards

Ladder Safety

Level your ladder on solid ground.
Avoid wearing mittens.
Don thin gloves to get a better grip.
Don't overreach.
Electrical work is safer if you use a fiberglass ladder.
Remember, that it is not safe to drink while decorating when climbing is involved.
Safety begins with a sturdy, well-placed ladder

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Water leak fixed

City workers repairs the water line leak on Kirk between Chapman and Overland Ct.
The water leak started as a small bubbling, along a crack in the asphalt Friday morning and by that afternoon the water leak was going pretty good, it was starting to look like a bubbling brook. City workers came out to look at the leak that morning. Deciding late Saturday afternoon that it was getting bad fast. City workers started fixing the break by digging up the asphalt, exposing the pipeline and then having to pump out the water that was accumulating, from a geyser that was coming up out of the water pipeline. Just for now, until they get back to it, the hole has been filled with gravel.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Gang Definitions

What is considered a gang? Well a gang is a GROUP. A gang can be defined as a gathering of three or more people in one place, that has a name, has a leader, and that meets on a regular basis, and claims a geographic area.

The Federal Definition of a gang is "an ongoing group, club, organization, or association of five or more persons. So one could say that the woman's axillary at the local church is a gang, or that a neighborhood watch is also one, or the schools PTA. Now what is the difference?

Good Gangs vs Bad Ones

Good gangs:
The above mentioned examples are considered a group of persons working together having an informal and usually close social relations. They gather together with a common goal in mind. The woman's axillary to help promote social activities in the church, putting together a quilt, or a cookbook. The Neighborhood watch was formed to put an end to criminal activity in their neighborhoods. The schools PTA was formed for the benefit of the school children. All three examples each form a gang to help promote the betterment of the community.

Bad Gangs:

Oklahoma's definition of a gang goes like this "Criminal street gang that specifically either promotes, sponsors, or assists in, or participates in, and requires as a condition of membership or continued membership, the commission of one or more criminal acts"

A street gang member: is any person who actively participates in criminal gang activity, and who willfully promotes, furthers, or assists in any felonious criminal activity.
Or a group of two or more individuals who share an on-going relationship with one another and support of each other individually or collectively, in the reoccurring commission of delinquent and criminal acts.

Gang members use names other than their given or birth name that describe their individual traits. Their gang name is usually a description of where they are from. The gang is usually territorial and will defend their turf, often trying to expand that area, with graffiti, marking and defining the lines of their territory. Most individual gang members will dress the same way or as close as possible, to show who they are and they will "throw" gang signs.
So these gangs mark up our neighborhoods with graffiti, have gang tattoos, wear the same type of clothing or color, "throw" hand gang signs in public to communicate with each other, and make people afraid of them.

This is the difference between Good gangs and Bad gangs

Past Gang Definitions:

In 1912 a gang was defined as one of the three primary social groups formed in response to deep seated but unconscious needs.

In 1927 a gang was defined as a group formed spontaneously and then integrated through conflict.

in 1982 a gang is a group of lawbreakers who are primarily around violence and other illegal activities.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

WNW November Meeting

Be sure to remember that our meeting will be tonight November 11, 2008. Located in the basement of the Wallace Ave Baptist Church on Wallace.
From 7:00p.m. - around 8:30.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gas station Safety

  1. Pay attention to your surroundings.
  2. Pick your pump with care. Wait for the pump nearest to the building.
  3. Keep valuables out of sight in your vehicle and lock the doors, even if you are going inside for just a moment.
  4. Always remove your keys and lock the car doors while you are pumping gas.
  5. Pick gas stations that are well-lit and have video-surveillance cameras at the pump.
  6. Make a list of favorite gas stations along your regular travel routes.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Profile of a Tagger

Is Your Child's Name All Over Town?

Some indications that your child may be a tagger are:

1. Your child stays out until early morning or all night.
2. Your child frequently wears a large backpack or baggy pants.
3. Clothing may be paint-stained.
4. Packs and loose clothing can be used to hold paint cans or carry graffiti tools.
5. Your child carries tools used for etching glass, such as hole punches, rocks, glass cutters, screwdrivers, awls, metal scribes, or other sharp objects. (Your child may not be able to explain exactly why he/she has this in their possession.)
6. Your child has taken up the hobby of ink marking.
7. Your child has large quantities of magic markers, shoe polish containers, or other devices used for drawing.
8. Your child sleeps during the day and is active outdoors at night.
9. Your child has paint on the tips of his/her fingers.
10. Your child frequently has permanent marker stains on his/her hands.
11. Your child has graffiti magazines, fliers, a "piece" book, or other portfolio of tags.
12. Your child possesses large quantities of "my name is" stickers or other large stickers used for "sticker tagging."
13. Your child is in possession of graffiti paraphernalia, such as markers, etching tools, spray paint, bug spray, and starch cans. The bug spray cans are used to make tags that will only show up in the rain.
14. Your child is in the age group statistically associated with tagging: ages 12 to 18 (sometimes older).
15. Your child has graffiti displays or tags on clothing, binders, backpack, and the underside of the bill of their hat. Tags you see on the walls of your neighborhood are seen on your child’s walls, books, and clothing.
16. Your child is frequently deceitful about his/her activities.
17. Your child has quantities of paint in cans, but does not have the income to afford it.
18. Your child associates with other children with the traits described above.
19. Your child’s Internet web browser has bookmarks to graffiti advocate websites.
20. Your child has photographs of graffiti and tags on walls that look familiar to you.
21. Your child actively reads the alternate graffiti news group website.
Remember that taggers come from every race, religion, social group, as well as from every socioeconomic status.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


In the second half of the 20th century, urban gangs began using graffiti as a territorial marker. This practice, known as "tagging," continues today, but is now practiced by people unaffiliated with gang activity as well.

Young males between 13 and 25 create most of the graffiti that's out there. A “tagger” will usually use a pen, marker, or spray-paint to put a unique design in a public place. The design will be proprietary to the tagger and may be initials, an illustration, or a combination of numbers and letters that is unique -- like a signature. Most tags represent the tagger's nickname, and tend to be short so as to make them easier to complete quickly.

Tagging in its most basic form is nothing more than advertisement for its author. Promience, difficulty, and proliferation of one’s tag gain the author status in the tagging community. Individual taggers or "tagging crews" of friends account for most of the graffiti you may see.

Gang-related Graffiti
Gangs use graffiti to mark territory and as a way to communicate both internally and externally. Gang graffiti is usually simple, as its authors are more interested in marking territory and communicating short messages than they are in artistic expression.
A tag created by a gang member features the name of his gang. Tag wars occur when members of another gang use another color to cross it out and leave their own tag. Gangs undergo this process to claim their turf. The more artistic the image, the more likely it's the work of a tagger crew and not a gang. Gangs don't bother as much with art; they are concerned only about making their presence known.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Is my Child a Gang Member?

If you see a cluster of the following in your teen, start asking questions:

Insistence on wearing certain items or styles or colors of clothing or jewelry. Tattoos, especially temporary ones or ones drawn on the skin with ink. Graffiti marks on or in notebooks or bookbags.

Fascination with gang- or violence-related themes in movies or music. Truancy for reasons that are vague or unacceptable. Hand signals, strange words or other patterns of covert communication or patterns of movement among neighborhood youth who associate with your child.

Possessions of value (bikes, jackets, sneakers) that suddenly appear without your child having the financial means to buy them. Insistence on spending time with only a few people instead of a wide circle of friends based on common interests. Minor run-ins with the law or curfew violations.

Withdrawal from family activities or secretiveness about whereabouts or activities. Evidence of drug involvement; while all drug use may not be gang-related, drugs and gangs tend to "go hand in hand,"

Desire to carry, or actual carrying of, a "weapon" such as a knife or even scissors or a nail file. Fascination with weapons.
Questionable activities among your son's friend's parents, older siblings or other relatives. Be especially concerned if your son is developing "friendships" with young adult males a few years older than he is, especially if those friends also have had trouble with the law.

You need to be aware that gangs "need" kids of a certan age. Gangs, they say, have to have someone to do visible and dangerous things, such as deliver drugs or messages on the street -- tasks that more sophisticated adults might balk at. Young teens are easy marks because
1) they may not understand the seriousness of the legal consequences of their actions;
2) they may be willing to do things because of the promise of "big" money that would seem insignificant to adults, and
3) they're more easily sucked in by the power, prestige and "glamor"of being in a gang.

Gangs are alluring to kids because they offer them structure, support and security --things that become even more attractive if they're missing at home. Like a family, a gang offers a sense of belonging, But unlike a family, the structure and support are not their to encourage the child to stay in school and improve his own life but to continue and enhance the gang and its illegal activities. And the security, is only there so long as it's convenient for other gang members. "You could say to kids, "If you get in trouble, do you think gang members will do anything for you?'

Speeding on Ford

It has been brought to the WNW attention that speeding on Ford has become a problem. While posting speed limit signs might help slow down drivers, other safety measures might need to be put into place. One suggestion would be to have someone out there with a radar gun to monitor drivers speed and to take down licence numbers and to turn them over to the SPD. Another suggestion would be to implement fake speed bumps just to remind the drivers to slow down.

Monday, November 3, 2008

How to prevent attraction to gangs

While no parent can guarantee that a child won't get attracted to a gang, there's less risk if parents:

Realize that it's not just urban kids who get involved. Gangs can exist in the suburbs or rural areas, and urban gang members travel to suburban hangouts such as malls.

Don't think girls are immune to gang influence. While there are some all-girl gangs, girls also can get involved on their own, or through friends, boyfriends or relatives.

Be alert to your surroundings in the neighborhood and take steps to improve it. Don't always assume the movements and patterns of behavior of youths in your immediate vicinity are innocent.

Pay attention, know places and people your children need to avoid. Know your children's friends and families. Find out about them before you allow your kids to spend time with new people. Know your child's whereabouts. Although young teens need some time with friends, families need systems and routines for checking on each other.

Young teens need supervision. Provide structured activities for your children. Kids involved in recreational activities they enjoy, have less free time for others to use unhealthy influence's on them. Encourage your children's academic life and other talents. Steering children in positive directions builds self-esteem through accomplishment.

Learn all you can about gang signs and symbols and activities. Attend programs and tap into these resources. Teach kids not to use drugs. Sometimes Gangs and drugs go hand in hand.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The trees are now here

For those of you who ordered free trees from the Oklahoma Tree Bank and Apache Foundations, they are now ready for pick up at the Shawnee Airport Saturday, November 1, 2008. Go through the first airport gate on Airport Drive. Over 18,000 trees were ordered, so they have had to make substitutes for some of the trees that were requested. Here is the Distribution schedule: Last names beginning with the letters:
The distribution will start at 8a.m. - 6p.m. each day.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Walk to School Day

Sponsored by Shawnee Public School's Safe healthy and Fit Committee.
October 29, 2008
Each participating school with the greatest number of walking students and adults will be eligible for first $500, Second $250, Third $150. Worth of physical education equipment. Contact your school of choice for location and meeting times.

Great Kids Health Fair

Where: Jefferson Elementary
When: Tuesday, October 28th
6:00 - 8:00p.m.

Flu Shots
Blood Pressure Checks
Diabetes Screenings
Dental Check ups
Clowns, Rock wall, Basketball hoops shoot, Bicycle rodeo, door prizes,
Have fun learning how to raise a safe and healthy family.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Criminal caught

A criminal was caught during our WNW block party, for more information attend the next WNW meeting October 14th.

Restraining Order Information

What is a restraining order?

A Restraining Order is a civil (not criminal) order, signed by a judge, that makes it illegal for someone to do certain things, such as harass, threaten, or annoy you. It makes it possible for the police to arrest someone for coming back to your home, or bothering you at work, when those actions would not otherwise be a crime.

There are several types of restraining orders that can be useful in helping to keep a person from bothering you:

An Emergency Protective Order (EPO) is just what the name implies. It is a restraining order that the police can get for you, even in the middle of the night by conferring with an on-call Judge. The EPO is only good for a few days, and should be followed by obtaining a restraining order.

A Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) is is an order issued by the court, in advance of a court hearing held to determine if a regular restraining order should be issued. You or your attorney can get one by filing the appropriate papers with the court. TRO’s are only good until the date of the court hearing for issuance of a regular restraining order. After this hearing, at which the restrained person has the right to appear, the order may be made effective for years afterward, as a full Restraining Order.

A Restraining Order, or Order After a Hearing (OAH) is an order issued by the court instructing a specified person to:

  • Stay a specified distance away from you.
  • Stay away from your home, work, school, family's home, children's school, child care center, or baby sitter's home.
  • Move out of your home, even if the batterer's name is on the lease or he/she is co-owner.
  • Give you custody of your children and make visitation orders.
  • Pay child support.
  • Not to call or write you or do so through another person.
  • Divide up some of your property.
  • Reimburse you for lost earnings and/or actual expenses directly caused by violence.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

October WNW meeting

This months meeting will be on Tuesday, October 14, 2008, located in the basement of the Wallace Ave. Baptist Church. From 6:30p.m. - usually around 8:00p.m. Linda Peterson will be talking about the future of neighborhood watches among other topics of concern. If you have any questions that you would like answered please have your questions on hand. The WNW is open to anyone who is interested, as always, welcome to the meetings. A representative from the Shawnee PD will also be in attendance if you might have any questions or concerns please feel free to speak to him.
T-Shirts are now for sale $15.00 S-L and $20.00 for XL-3x . They are yellow with the WNW Logo.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Free Smoke Detector

If you do not have a Smoke Detector the Shawnee Fire Department can provide you with one at no charge. All you have to do is call 273-4282 and request one. The Fire Dept. will come to your home and Install it for you.

Learn about fire prevention from the Firefighter clowns on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. located at the Heart of Oklahoma Exposition Center on Independence and U.S. 177. the event is free.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wildcats walk to school day

Wednesday, October 8Th at 7:15 am. Join the Jefferson Wildcats who will be walking to school with adult supervision. While playing games. For those who would like to join the students meet at one of the following locations
  • Burns and Chapman
  • Beard and Ridgewood
  • Park and Independence

Visit for more information.


Thursday, October 2, 2008


The annual block party is on October 11 Th. Located in the parking lot of the Wallace Ave. Baptist Church, from 2-6 p.m. You can purchase tickets in advance by calling Julie at 201-8467. For a meal of BBQ beef, baked beans, chips, salad and dessert. $4.00 for Adults, 0-11 eat for free, and 12-18 $1.00. If you bring 10 caned food items per person you can eat for free.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lights on Kickapoo

Put in a call to OG&E on Friday about the lights being out on Kickapoo they gave me a work Number and said that they would get to them as soon as poss. They are now on.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Crime in The Neighborhood

Taking Back Your Neighborhood

If crime has a strong grip on a neighborhood, it's hard to take the first steps toward reclaiming your streets.

People are afraid that if they act, criminals will take revenge. You can counter this fear, and protect each other, by working closely with police and organizing group activities — there's safety in numbers. You may want to meet outside the neighborhood at first.

Neighborhoods across the country have used these tactics to take a stand against drugs and violence.

  • Ask police for help in forming a citizen patrol that walks the neighborhood, intimidating drug dealers by writing down license plate numbers and descriptions of suspected dealers. Videotape or photograph illegal activities. Pass information on to law enforcement. Wear a "uniform" — a brightly colored cap or special T-shirt.
  • Use a bullhorn or loudspeaker to broadcast "Drug dealers on the block. Police are being notified.
  • Demonstrate against landlords who rent property to drug dealers.
  • Make public your dissatisfaction with businesses, including restaurants and bars, that ignore drug dealing. Do the same to stores that sell drug paraphernalia — such as marijuana pipes or rolling papers.
  • Organize neighborhood clean-up campaigns to sweep litter and drug paraphernalia off the streets, clean off or paint over graffiti, plant flowers and trees, and repair broken equipment in playgrounds.
  • Make young people part of your neighborhood improvement team. Find other creative, constructive activities for youth, especially teens.
  • Put up large, colorful banners or signs that warn drug dealers that residents are watching for crime and reporting it to the police.
  • March or organize a vigil to demonstrate and community's will to drive out drug dealers and other criminals.
  • Make sure the newspapers and television cover this good news — show the word that neighbors and police care and are taking action!

Use good judgment when faced with problems of illegal drug use or sales or other criminal activity in your neighborhood. Think about how you can report a drug problem without subjecting yourself to retaliation. It's important to report, but it's equally important to report safely.

Take a bite out of crime.
Crime Prevention Tips Provided by:
National Crime Prevention Council

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Help our Schools

Beginning September 17Th take your vehicle into Shawnee Pittstop on Wednesdays and $1.00 will be donated from each oil change. To help fuel the Shawnee district school buses. Jim Weinrich owner of Shawnee Pittstop on the corner of Independence and Airport Road wanted a way to help and this is his way of doing so. So thank you Mr. Weinrich.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Family Fun Festival

Come and join in on the fun! Help support the National Institute on Developmental Delays. All proceeds go to NIDD.

WHEN: September 20, 2008,
WHERE: St. Gregory's University Campus.
FROM: 10:00am - 4:00pm.
HOT DOGS, CHIPS AND DRINK $2.00 All kinds of fun things to do.
Pony Rides, Mechanical Bull, 24' slide, Laser tag, Kids Island,
Velcro Wall, Mountain climb. Bingo, petting zoo, face painting,
cake walk and other games. Live band from 6-9pm, Dance admission $2.00 Adults Children 12 and under FREE!

If you have any questions contact National Institute on Developmental Delays 405-878-5289 or go to

Monday, September 8, 2008


National Preparedness Month is a nationwide effort held each September to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools. The goal of the month is to increase public awareness about the importance of preparing for emergencies and to encourage individuals to take action.

steps include: getting an emergency supply kit, making a family emergency plan, being informed about the different emergencies that may affect them, as well as taking the necessary steps to get trained and become engaged in community preparedness and response efforts.

For more information on the Ready Campaign and National Preparedness Month, please visit or Information is also available by phone at 1-800-BE-READY or 1-888-SE-LISTO.

Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit:

  • Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
  • Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Whistle to signal for help, clothing: keep an extra set of warm clothes and sturdy shoes in the kit also.
  • Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
  • Moist towelettes, toilet paper, feminine supplies, bleach, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
  • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
  • Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)
  • Local maps, Money

  • Medications

  • Personal Documents: ID, birth certificate, insurance policies.

  • Contact Info: family phone #, and addresses. It is often easier to make a long-distance call rather than a local call after a disaster strikes.


Make A Plan

Family Emergency Plan
Download the  Family Emergency Plan - Acrobat Reader, 512Kb

Talk. Discuss with your family the disasters that can happen where you live. Establish responsibilities for each member of your household and plan to work together as a team. Designate alternates in case someone is absent.

Plan. Choose two places to meet after a disaster:

􀂃 Right outside your home, in case of a sudden emergency, such as a fire.

􀂃 Outside your neighborhood, in case you cannot return home or are asked to evacuate your neighborhood.Choose an out-of-area contact for all members of the family to call in case of disaster. The selected contact person should live far enough away that they would be unaffected by the same event, and they should know they are the chosen contact. Remember that during a disaster, it may be easier to make a long distance phone call than to call across town. Having predetermined meeting places will save time and minimize confusion should your home be affected or if the area is evacuated.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Crime committed

Wednesday a vehicle at 1007 Overland Ct. was broken into. A set of golf clubs among other items were stolen.
This is a good reason that the WNW should set up the Operation ID program. The program is easy to start. The WNW should purchase engravers that interested members can borrow to engrave their property.
What is Operation

Operation Identification is a citizen’s burglary prevention program for use in homes and businesses. The Operation ID program involves the marking of property with an identifying number as a means of discouraging burglary and theft.


Marked property is difficult for a criminal to dispose of or sell. It can be traced to the rightful owner with relative ease. Additionally, if the intruder is caught with marked property, it is solid evidence of possession of stolen goods.

The Operation ID program has three parts:
FIRST, mark your valuables with your DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER prefaced by "OK" for Oklahoma and followed by "DL" for Driver's License"



So your property can be easily traced and identified as yours. The Driver's License Number should be engraved on an area that cannot be easily removed and which is NOT easily seen, preferably adjacent to the manufacturer's model or serial number.

Second, after marking, photographing, or videotaping your property, make a list of your valuables. Keep a copy of the list in a safe place. If you should become a victim, you will be able to describe the stolen property to the police from the list.

Third, display a decal which tells would-be thieves that your property has been marked. By displaying an Operation ID sticker you are disclosing that your property has been marked and will be difficult for a criminal to sell or pawn. Often the presence of the sticker alone is enough to deter a intruder.


The items listed below are those most commonly stolen from homes and business:

Television sets, Stereo equipment, Radios
Game systems
Car radio/CD players
DVD, VCR players
Vacuum cleaners, and other household appliances
Fax machine
Cell phones
Hubcaps, Mag wheels
Lawn mowers
CB radios
Golf clubs
Electric shaver
Tools (hand and power)
Watches, clocks
Musical instruments
Kitchen appliances (Microwave, toaster, etc.)
Computer equipment (CPU, Monitor, keyboard, etc)
Computer printer


If the property is unmarkable, such as antiques, jewelry, silver, artwork, etc., you should inventory, photograph or videotape, and store those records in a safe deposit box.


When inventorying and marking property, use a systematic approach. Take one room at a time, as the property is marked or photographed, enter it on your inventory list. Keep a copy of the list in a safe place. If you should subsequently become a burglary victim, you will be able to quickly describe the stolen property from this list. This will be of great help to police in their attempt to recover the stolen possessions.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September Neighborhood Watch meeting

The September WNW meeting is set for the 9Th at 7:00 pm. located in the basement of the Wallace Ave. Baptist Church.

New officers will be elected for office, nominee's are:

Julie Thompson - running for President,

Lynette Davis - Vice-President,

Della Hutton - Secretary

Dora Mize - Treasurer

Chief Mathis will be unable to attend the meeting, but Lt. Russell Frantz will be joining us. Lt. Frantz is the Gang enforcement unit Commander, let's all make him feel welcome to our meeting. It is the goal of the Shawnee Pd to learn from the Neighborhood watch program and for us to learn from them.

We are again having our annual food drive for those of us who need a little help during the holiday season. Please bring non -perishable food items to the meeting or you can drop items off at one of the officers homes. Remember every little bit can and does help.

Also if you have a clean slightly used coat, hat or gloves that you would like to donate contact Dora at 275- 2349 or Julie at 201-8467 please donate and help some one keep a little warmer this winter.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Time to get rid of that bulk waste

Not until October but you can get a jump start on your yard clean up. As you all have received the Schedule for bulk waste pick up I thought that I would go ahead and post it here also.

Curbside Bulk waste pickup schedule is set for Wednesday October 1, 2008 if your pollycart is picked up on Mondays.
October 8, if your pollycart is picked up on Tuesdays.
October 15, if your pollycart is picked up on Wednesdays.
October 22, if your pollycart is picked up on Thursdays.
October 29, if your pollycart is picked up on Fridays.

Accepted item's include: refrigerators, freezers,and air conditioners if a certification has been issued by a qualified tech., that the Freon has been removed.
Cut those limbs into 3-foot lengths and tie them up must be under 35 lbs.
Don't put out overly heavy pieces of concrete or rocks. If you can't carry it they won't either.
Don't demolish anything and try to have it picked up they won't take it.
If you have a dead possum in your yard they won't take that either.
They won't take any hazardous waste, batteries, paint,tires,oils, or any other liquid substances.
Later when I find out, I will post what can be taken to the curb or roadside that they will pick up.
If you have any questions call Allied Waste at 275-9062

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Join the Shawnee PD on September 11 - December 11 2008 for the next Citizen Police Academy. Classes will meet from 7pm - 9pm on Thursday's. The program is free and anyone over the age of 18 is eligible. Applications can be picked up at the Shawnee Police Dept., The police substation in the mall or online at For more information contact Chris Thomas at 878-1638

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shawnee area Neighborhood Watch Meeting

Join the Shawnee Police Department on Tuesday August 26. From 6:30-8:30pm at the Gordon Cooper Vo-Tech Center Auditorium for information on Personal Safety. The event is open to everyone in the Shawnee area or anyone that is interested in learning about and participating in a Neighborhood Watch.

The Shawnee Police Department will be offering training the last week of the following months that you might want to know more about. Such as

• Crime prevention information.
• Block captain training and special events for all watch neighbors.
• Securing you home, making it less attractive to criminals.
• Property Identification, or also known as Operation I.D. It's where you mark your property using an engraver, with your driver's license number and state. The idea behind this is that it discourages theft and helps law enforcement identify and return stolen property when it is found or has been pawned.

For more information on these community meetings call the Shawnee Police Department, 273-2121

Waiting in line

Waiting in line to pick up your kids can be tiresome, but here are a few tips to make the time go by faster.
1. Keep a book in the car that you have been wanting to read.
2. Read the newspaper.
3. Do your nails.
4. Keep a trash bag in your car and clean up the trash left behind
from the weekend trip.
5. Clean out your wallet or purse.
6. Look over your planner.
7. Take your bills, check book, stamps and get some bills paid.
If you have your baby with you, take a bag filled with toys and books. Play "I Spy". Bring drinks and snacks. Or play the radio.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Opportunity to resume relations

The Westside Neighborhood Watch has the opportunity to resume relations with the police department. I think that this is a great idea, the department can provide the neighborhood with many resources that can benefit us and them. And we can in return help them help us keep our neighborhood safe. This can also benefit our children in the neighborhood and can give us the opportunity to start programs that can benefit us in many aspects of our lives. The only request that we have is that the past stays in the past. Bringing up past subjects can only cause us to backslide and not to progress and grow as a Neighborhood Watch. We should also join forces with other Neighborhood Watches in our town and surrounding towns to trade ideas and resources. The Watch has the chance to grow and to improve the quality of life if only we have the interest and participation of those of us that have the desire to better our community. I say that we take this chance and run with it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Safe Route to School Walking School Bus Program

At our last meeting we touched on the subject of walking and safety of our children and riding bikes in the neighborhood.
I sent off for some information on these subjects and came across the Safe Route to School Walking School Bus Program or SRTS. Oklahoma does have funding for this program and with rising gas prices this could be an answer to the school fuel problem. Here is the link if you would like to have more information on this program and please pass it on to those who would know how to use this information.
A walking school bus is a group of children walking or riding their bikes to school with one or more adults. For many parents, safety concerns are reduced when adult supervision is provided.
or ODOT Field Division Office Headquarters (ask for the Traffic Engineer) Division 3 Ada (580)332-1526 The Division Engineer is Paul Rachel
Shawnee Interstate Maintenance #109 Superintendent: Jamie Price #382-1222
For More Information

Monday, August 4, 2008


Remember to "Turn on your porch light" to show your support in the fight against crime. Lock your doors, turn on your porch lights, and spend the evening outside with your neighbors. Walk your dog, or just walk around your neighborhood. Thursday, August 7th from 7-10 pm

Sunday, August 3, 2008

First Annual Chalk Art Contest

The Westside Neighborhood Watch First Annual chalk art contest was held on the 19Th of July in the Wallace Ave. Baptist Church parking lot. Next year if we have another contest it will be bigger and better.
Congratulations to the following winners.
Jesica age 9 won 1st in the Elem. age group.
Katie age 9 2nd
Zack age 9 3rd
Robert age 8 4th
Lee age 8 5th
Alace age 13 won 1st in the Middle School age group.
Mariah age 16 won 1st in the High School age group.

Thank you Jeanie for all of your help, and to the church for letting us use the parking lot.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Nuisance Phone Calls
For all the convenience that the telephone brings, many have experienced the aggravation and annoyance of harassing phone calls. The following are guidelines to reduce this type of nuisance:

Do not admit to a stranger that you are alone. Also, instruct your children, when alone, to say that Mom or Dad is busy and to ask the caller to leave a message or call back.
Consider having an unlisted telephone number. Avoid giving out your home phone number to strangers.
If you are asked for your phone number on a check or credit card transaction, furnish a work phone instead of your home number. Also, if your personal checks are imprinted with your home phone, request that this be removed when reordering a new supply.
If you must be listed in the telephone directory, ask that your address and first name be removed. Your first initial and last name should be sufficient.
Consumer Protection
NEVER give out personal financial information or credit card numbers during unsolicited telephone calls from people you don't know.
Don't fall for con artists who claim that you've won a prize and who ask for a credit card number for “proper identification”. Tell such callers to notify you by mail of your good fortune.
Some organizations and charities solicit for funds by telephone. If you are interested in supporting a particular cause described by a phone solicitor, ask them to send you additional details and a pledge card by mail.
Harassing Calls
Hang up immediately on obscene callers or strangers who ask questions regarding private matters. Many such callers are merely seeking an emotional response and will discontinue their harassment if you avoid a reaction of fear or anger.
Allow your answering machine to screen your calls. Tell your friends and relatives that you will pick up the phone when you hear them talking into the machine. Your outgoing message should not reveal your identity or that you are away. Change the recording or use the voice of a friend, if necessary.Y
If you begin receiving repeated harassing or obscene phone calls, make note of the date and time of each incident and the characteristics of the call. Include details such as specific wording of call, caller's voice, and background sounds. Avoid conversing with the caller or lingering on the phone, however. Chronic harassing phone calls should be reported to the police. Consider changing your telephone number and carefully screening who you provide your new number to.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Fake Speed Bumps

This could be an answer to the speeding around the Shawnee High School. 3D optical illusion speed bumps are being used in Philadelphia. In an effort to slow down drivers speeding through local streets. They are intended to trick drivers into slowing down only later to find that there was no bump at all. They caution you to slow down because you don't know what you are facing. They can also remind drivers that they need to slow down because they are in a School Zone. They are made by Japan's Sekisui Jushi Corp. and contain reflective glass beads. They require little engineering or planning and can work in places where real bumps may not be acceptable.

The 3-D markings are appealing because, at $60 to $80 each, they cost a fraction of real speed bumps (which can run $1,000 to $1,500) and require little maintenance,

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Shawnee Candidates

Running for Mayor
Linda Peterson
Linda Agee

Running for Ward 2
Jerry Chastain
Frank Sims

Running for Ward 3
Marva O'Neal
James Harrod

The issues that are prevelent in Voters minds are
Water, Education, New Businesses, Better leadership in all aspects, Crime,

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Poly Cart woe's and clean streets

Poly Cart what a waste

Here are a few things you need to know about poly carts:
The City Commission voted to begin using poly carts for trash disposal city wide for all citizens of Shawnee at the meeting on June 4, 2007.

Yard waste will be picked up on Wednesdays
The commission has chosen a plan which also calls for green waste pickup (yard clippings, etc.) on a weekly basis. The commission needs to contact Allied Waste and remind them of this plan.

Be sure and call Allied Waste if your yard waste has not been picked up recently at 275-9061.
The city is supplementing this plan for the first year but will cut that supplement in subsequent years. The $12 monthly fee is expected to go to $13 in July, 2008, $13.75 in 2009, $14.25 in 2010 and $14.55 in 2011.

Remember that Allied Waste representatives are available at 405-275-9061
You can also call the Public Works Service Center at 878-1662

Street Sweeping
The City of Shawnee runs their own street sweeper on a rotating schedule across the City. Questions related to street sweeping should be directed to the 405-878-1537.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

WNW July Meeting

For those of you that did not attend the meeting. The guest speakers were Jerry Chastain who is running for Ward 2 Commissioner, and Linda Agee who is running for Mayor. On the 15Th we will have another meeting with other's that are running.

Congratulations to the Finney's for winning the Best Looking Yard.

Some of the issues that were covered in tonight's meeting were getting some bike lanes put in around the area. Bus service for the Citizens of Shawnee, the rail road crossings that are in need of smoothing out on area roads, and the need of more recycling centers here in town. The sidewalks leading to nowhere.

The smelly issue of the Polly carts and the yard waste that sometimes is not picked up for day's. An idea would be for all of those affected to start writing in to the trash service and filling a complaint.

Also, finding out if we can get something to slow down traffic on Kirk. The Yellow house on Kirk that is set back from the road is set for demolition within the next month. We now have several drug houses in and about our neighborhood watch area we need to get these taken care of before they become a worse problem.

Shawnee Action Center
Use the above link to report problem areas in our neighborhood.
or call the Action Center number below


Call them whenever you have a neighborhood problem or a question about City services. The Action Center is here to help you Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday, July 4, 2008

First day of School

Shawnee students start school on Wednesday, August 13. Enroll you Pre-kindergarten through 8Th grade students at the old Wal-Mart building at the Shawnee mall on Thursday, July 31, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Shawnee students returning for the new school year are required to have all records updated, if prior information has changed. For more information, contact the Board of Education 326 N Union, 273-0653.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Have you planned at least two ways to get out of every room in your home?
Do you keep exit routes clear in your home?
Do you know how to notify your fire department quickly and correctly in case of fire?

Do you make it a rule never to leave small children alone or unattended?
Do your baby-sitters (and you) know the first rule of safety in fire emergencies? —Get everybody out fast, and don't go back in.
Do you show your baby-sitters the escape routes from your home, and give instructions on the correct way to report a fire?

Is smoking in bed strictly against the rule in your home?
Do you always make sure that cigarette, cigar and pipe ashes are completely extinguished before you dispose of them? Before going to bed, be SURE there are no cigarettes still burning.
Are matches kept out of the reach of children? Keep matches and lighters above the "strike zone" (too high for children to reach).

Are furnaces, stoves and smokepipes kept in good repair and located far enough away from combustible walls and ceilings so that they do not create a hazard? Use a fireplace screen to prevent sparks from flying.
If you have portable space heaters in your home do you see that they are properly maintained and located? Keep portable space heaters away from people, curtains, and furniture.
Do you have an annual inspection of your heating system? Have heating equipment checked and cleaned each year.
Do your sleeves get into things when you cook? Wear tight-fitting clothing when you cook.
Can you stop a cooking fire safely? Smother a pan fire with a lid. Never use water. If cooking oil starts to smoke, turn down the heat. Don't throw whatever's handy on the counter, such as dumping flour from the bag, on the fire (explosion!)

Do you see that extension cords are never run under rugs or hooked over nails? Avoid using extension cords wherever possible (especially small-wired cords use with high-wattage appliances.)
When the breaker "trips" or a fuse blows, do you investigate WHY it happened? If a fuse blows (or a breaker "trips"), find the cause. Remove excess appliances (lamps, stereo components, space heaters, etc.) from a breaker circuit that frequently "trips".
Is the right size fuse (20 amps for lighting circuits) in each socket in the fuse box? Replace the fuse with one of the correct size.
Is your TV well ventilated? Allow air space around the TV to prevent overheating. If it doesn't work right, it can be a fire danger.

Do you keep rubbish cleaned out of the attic, basement, closets, garage and yard? Sort and remove rubbish. Don't store things near the furnace or heater.
Are gasoline and other flammable liquids stored in safety cans, and kept well away from both heat and children? Move flammable liquids away from heat. Do not store flammable liquids in the home. Keep them stored outside and away from the house in a separate storage building. Don't fill a hot lawn mower or other motor; let it cool first.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Senior Safety Tips

At Home:
1. Never open your door automatically.
2. Install and use a peephole.
3. Lock your doors and windows.
4. Vary your daily routine.
5. Don’t leave notes on the door when going out.
5. Leave lights on when going out at night; use a timer to turn lights on and off when you are away for an extended period.
6. Notify neighbors and the police when going away on a trip.
7. When you are away remember to cancel deliveries such as newspapers and arrange for someone - a neighbor’s child, perhaps - to mow the lawn if need be.
Arrange for your mail to be held by the Post Office, or ask a neighbor to collect it for you.
8. Be wary of unsolicited offers to make repairs to your home. Deal only with reputable businesses.
9. Keep an inventory with serial numbers and photographs of resalable appliances, antiques and furniture. Leave copies in a safe place.
10. Don’t hesitate to report crime or suspicious activities.
11. Install deadbolt locks on all your doors.
12. Keep your home well lit at night, inside and out.
13. Ask for proper identification from delivery persons or strangers.
14. If a stranger asks to use your telephone, offer to place the call for him or her yourself.
15. Never let a stranger into your home.
16. Do not hide your keys under the mat or in other conspicuous places.
17. Never give out information over the phone indicating you are alone or that you won’t be home at a certain time.
18. If you arrive at home and suspect a stranger may be inside, DON’T GO IN. Leave quietly and call 911 to report the crime.
19. Ask to see credentials from persons representing themselves as workers from utility companies, package delivery services, etc; don’t rely solely on a uniform or a stranger’s claims.

Fire on Overland Ct.

The 1000 block of Overland Ct. has had it's share of action these past couple of weeks. About two weeks ago a truck ran into the house on the corner of Overland Ct. and Kirk Street. Last night around 10:30pm there was a Ford Explorer that was on fire. The police and fire dept. were called and made short work of the fire. You could smell the rubber from the tires and the smoke was so thick that you could not see through it. From behind you would never know that the truck had ever been on fire. But from the front is a different story.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

First Annual Chalk Art Contest

The First Annual Chalk Art Contest was canceled due to rain today. It will be rescheduled for next month.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

May 12, 2008 Minutes

The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the WNW was called to order at 7:05 pm by President Butch Cushman. All officers were present except for V. Pres. Total attendance: 18.
1. Invocation: Bill Claborn.
2. Consideration of minutes of March 11, 08 tabled from previous meeting. Motion to approve Julie T. and seconded by Jack - motion carried.
3. Consideration of minutes of April 8, 08. Motion to approve by Dora M. and seconded by Julie T. - motion carried.
4. Consideration of Treasures Report: Treasurer Dora M. reported April bal. $212.33 April donations $24.00 April expenses $0.00, Bal as of May 12, 08 $236.33. Motion to approve treasures report by Jack H., second by Julie T. - motion carried.
5. Program by Melvin Potter, Pott. Co. emergency services. He explained 911 coverage of Pott. Co. and weather related issues. He will return at the next meeting to help program weather radios.
6. Butch reported that the church may be used as a weather shelter when sirens are sounded and will attempt to get the church registered as a storm shelter.
7. Butch C. submitted his resignation as president due to health reasons.
8. Consideration to appoint interim president until October elections. Motion to appoint Julie Thompson by Jack H. and seconded by Bill C. - motion carried.
9. Pres. Julie accepted appointment and discussed some ideas to refresh the WNW.
10. Adjourned.
Approved: June 10, 2008


With hotter temperatures coming the WNW is soliciting much needed fan donations to help keep our neighbors cool.

Do you have a fan that you no longer need? Then you can help provide cool air to an older adult,and families with children.

This fan drive is one way for members of the WNW to reach out and help our most susceptible citizens cope with the long, hot Oklahoma summer.

Please bring them to one of our monthly meetings. Or to 812 N Pottenger. If you know of someone in need of a fan please contact one of our watch officers.

We have a donation of some air conditioners if you need one please let us know so that we can get one to you

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Newsletter's to be delivered

Starting this month the monthly WNW newsletter's will be delivered to every home in our watch area. We also need volunteers to help pass out the newsletters, To ensure that everyone gets one. Please help! you can contact any of the officers for more information on volunteering.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What is a Neighborhood Watch

The Neighborhood Watch is a partnership between law enforcement and the community. It consists of neighbors and businesses looking out for each other. Learning what is normal for our neighborhood and not so normal.

What are the benefits?

A) The risk of becoming a victim of crime is reduced.
B) Suspicious activity is easier to identify.
C) The Neighborhood Watch sign is a signal to criminals that our neighborhood will not be an easy target.
D) Issues of concern can be addressed at meetings.
E) An opportunity to get to know each other.
F) Improvement of quality of life in the neighborhood.


Westside Neighborhood Watch Needs Volunteers:
The WNW program is an opportunity to promote mutual understanding between citizens and law enforcement. Join our fight against crime by joining the WNW. You are the extra eyes and ears of Law Enforcement. We will teach you how to observe and report suspicious activity. Through our mutual communication, we can make our community a better and safer place to live.
The best crime prevention device is a good neighborhood. The security steps you and your neighbors take as a group are just as important as the things you do individually.
The WNW operates on the concept that effective crime prevention requires cooperation with law enforcement. WNW is “neighbors looking out for the welfare of our neighbors.” It is a coalition of citizens who are concerned about the neighborhood where they live and are willing to become involved in the betterment of their community.
It is only by working together that we can truly be effective in our fight against crime. The WNW can do a lot to prevent crime, both through intense patrol efforts and educational programs.
However, all this can be ineffectual if you do not do your part to deny the criminal the opportunity to commit a crime.
Volunteer at the next Westside Neighborhood Watch meeting.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Law enforcement and the neighborhood watch

The benefit of open communication with local law enforcement and the neighborhood watch is this.
They can train the watch group members including and not limited to emergency preparedness, emergency response, basic crime prevention techniques, residential security, personal safety, Neighborhood crime statistics, Crime alert bulletins,gang activity.
A criminal's worst enemies are concerned and active citizens and an equally concerned and effective police department. When the two work together the opportunity for criminal's to commit a crime is decreased.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Next WNW Meeting June 10, 2008

The next WNW meeting is set for Tuesday, June 10,2008 at the Wallace Ave. Baptist Church. 6:30pm. We have a new president Julie Thompson come and hear the ideas that she has come up with for our neighborhood. Bring your weather radios to be programmed. And be sure to pick up the June newsletter on the 1st at 812 N Pottenger.
See you there

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Shawnee Sentinel Program

The topic tonight that was sponsored by the Shawnee Pd., was on the proposal of a Sentinel program based on the program in Lawton, Oklahoma that was formed in 1992. Steve Martin was the guest speaker along with three of Lawton's Sentinel volunteer's. The following is a rundown on what a sentinel is, what they do, their training, and what you have to do to become one.

A Sentinel is a volunteer who works with the police at no additional cost to the citizens.

Some of the things that Citizen Sentinel volunteer's to do is: Help with traffic control, residence checks during the day when someone is on vacation, an escort of a funeral procession,officer assist, assists with court records, impounds, offence reports,playground checks,parking tickets and much much more.
A Sentinel is required to work at least 16 hours a month, they do not carry any defensive weapons, and works in a two man team.

A Sentinel receives training in the following areas: Traffic Control, Geography of the town area, Radio communication, patrol procedures, report writing, vehicle maintenance, Sentinel's also go through 40 hours of in the field training: CPR, Hazmat/blood borne pathogens, and defensive driving just to name a few.

If a person is interested in becoming a Sentinel you must go through the Citizens Police Academy, be 21 years of age and older, complete an application, have a background check, and do an interview with a panel of police officers and previous sentinels.

If you want to know more about the Shawnee Police Department and how they function, join the next Citizen Police Academy and let's get together to make this town a safer place to be.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stroll around the neighborhood

Meet us at the Wallace Baptist Church Monday - Thursday's at 7:00p.m. for a stroll around the neighborhood.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tips for pumping gas

untrue or true?
1. Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening .... your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role. A one degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.

2. When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode. If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.

3. One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount.

4. Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up; most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Signs of a Tornado

1. Watch for strong, persistent rotation in the clouds.
2. Whirling dust or debris on the ground under a cloud base. Sometimes tornadoes do not have a funnel.
3. Hail or heavy rain followed by either dead calm or a fast, intense wind shift. Many tornadoes are wrapped in heavy rain and cannot be seen.
4. Day or night a loud continuous roar or rumble that doesn't fade in a few seconds like thunder.
5 At night you can see small, bright, blue-green to white flashes at ground level near a thunderstorm means's that power lines are being snapped by very strong wind, could indicate a tornado.

May 13th meeting

At the May 13th meeting we had guest speaker Melvin Potter, Director of Pott. County Emergency 911 Systems. We heard about 911 systems and how they work as well as how Shawnee reacts to storms and when they will blow the alert horn. Very, Very interesting. We also found out where all the storm cellars are in Shawnee and when to go to them. We have talked to the church about becoming an official storm cellar for Shawnee, that would be great if it happens.

Julie Thompson was appointed by members and is now 'President of the Westside Neighborhood Watch' until the election in October. She has some great ideas that she talked about last night on the future of the watch and how to make it grow. So I feel it's time to get behind your president.

The first change is the start of the Westside Neighborhood Watch Strollers. This starts on the 19th of May. We will meet at the church 7pm and in groups to walk around the neighborhood or as much as you can. I feel this could be a great asset to the safety of the neighborhood. Melvin Potter will be back in June to set your weather radios.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Need Help?

Do you need to find help for housing,food,counseling,financial assistance,child care,health care or want to volunteer for a good cause?
Call Heartline 211 for answers to your questions.
Connects you to community resources that you might need.
Gives you information on how to give or get help.
And is a free and confidential service.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tornado Safety

Royalty-free stock Vector Illustration: Cyclone

Stay Informed:

  • Pay attention to the weather, especially in the spring.
  • Use reliable sources of weather information: The local television stations, AM/FM radio, the Internet and NOAA Weather Radio.

Get in:

  • Get as far inside a Strong building as you can.
  • Put as many walls between you and the outside as possible.
  • Stay away from doors and windows.

Get Down:

  • Get as low as possible to avoid flying debris.
  • Go to the lowest floor possible. Underground is the best spot to be.

Cover up:

  • Use whatever you can find- pillows, mattresses, blankets - to protect yourself from flying and falling debris.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Neighborhood watch community meeting

Shawnee PD is conducting a meeting on April 29, That will focus on gangs and gang enforcement efforts from 6:30 p.m.- 8:30p.m. in the auditorium at Gordon Cooper Technology Center. The Shawnee PD will also be offering training opportunities on several subjects in the following months. For those who want to start a Neighborhood Watch group or those already involved in one they will offer crime prevention literature, block captain training and will have special events for watch members.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The month of April is national child abuse prevention month. It is a time to raise awareness about child abuse and neglect and to encourage individuals and communities to support children and families.
Child abuse and neglect often takes place in the home and comes from a person the child knows -- a parent, relative, baby-sitter or a friend of the family. A child of any age, race, or socioeconomic background can become a victim of abuse and neglect. Nine out of ten children are hurt by their own parents. Children suffer the pain, parents suffer the shock and guilt of their own behavior.
Some of the reasons for physical and psychological mistreatment of children within the family are parental feelings of frustration, stress such as marital, financial problems, substance abuse and or isolation from the support of family and friends.
The types of abuse include Emotional, physical, sexual abuse and negligent treatment of a child under the age of 18. Neglect is the failure to provide the child with basic needs this also includes inadequate supervision, abandonment, or inattention to a special education need. Physical abuse is the physical injury inflected on a child as a result of shaking, burning, kicking, hitting, beating or
otherwise harming a child. Sexual abuse of a child may include indecent exposure, fondling,incest, rape, or the production of pornographic materials. Emotional abuse is the failure to provide warmth, supervision, attention to the child, criticism, threats, and rejection,or otherwise normal life experiences. It impairs the child’s emotional development or sense of self-worth.
The impact of child maltreatment can be profound. The long-term effects can be physical,psychological, or behavioral. It can include mental illness, substance abuse,domestic violence,social problems with other children and adults, teen pregnancy and lack of success in school.
The first step in helping or getting help for an abused or neglected child is to recognize signs and symptoms that may signal the presence of child abuse. The child that is possibly suffering from neglect is frequently absent from school, lacks sufficient clothing for the weather, states there is no one at home to provide care, poor hygiene, or begs or steals food or money from school. The child that is possibly suffering from physical abuse has unexplained bruises,bites,burns, or welts, or the child appears frightened of a parent or caregiver and is afraid to go home. The child that is possibly being emotionally abused can show extremes in behavior,ranging from being overly aggressive to overly passive. Self-destructive, or has habit disorders. The child that is possibly being sexually abused can display age-inappropriate sexual play with toys,self,or others. Or can have age inappropriate knowledge of sex.
The following are some things that you can do to help prevent child abuse and neglect. Be a friend to a parent you know. Ask how their children are doing, if a new parent seems to be struggling offer to baby-sit, run errands, or offer a friendly ear. Make an effort to look out for one anothers children. Teach children their rights,children should be taught that no one should touch them in areas covered by a bathing suit, tell them to say no and report to an adult right
away. Anything you do to support kids and parents in your family and community helps reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. Children often drop hints in an attempt to feel out an adult’s reaction before sharing a situation. Do not push the child to tell you more than he or she is willing to share, and let the child know that telling about the abuse or neglect was the right thing to do. Avoid overreaction or criticizing, and keep your own feelings under control. Above
all be supportive.
Wear a blue ribbon and tell people it stands for the prevention of child abuse and neglect. If you suspect a child has been abused report it. If you witness a child being harmed or see evidence of abuse. Contact your local law enforcement.

We can all help prevent child abuse by recognizing the risk factors, protecting children who are at risk and supporting families.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Child Abuse Prevention Activities planned

The Pottawatomie County Health Department and the Child Abuse Prevention Taskforce have launched a community public awareness campaign in observance of April being Child Abuse Prevention Month. This year's theme is "It Only Takes a Minute to Make a Difference in the Life of a Child." Child Abuse Prevention Month has been observed each April since the first presidential proclamation in 1985.

Statewide, local Child Abuse Prevention Committees will gather for "Child Abuse Prevention Day" at the State Capitol on Tuesday, April 8, which will feature speakers, booths and an art poster contest recognizing winners grades K-12 from around Oklahoma.

Local Child Abuse Prevention Month activities during April will include "Paint The Town Blue," hosted by the Child Abuse Prevention Taskforce. The event, set for noon on April 4 at the Pottawatomie County Courthouse in Shawnee, will feature kids presentations, guest speakers, balloon release, and bikers riding for prevention.
Taken from the Shawnee news-star

Resources on child abuse

Child Abuse Prevention Network

The Child Abuse Prevention Network, originally launched as an outreach effort of the Family Life Development Center at Cornell University, is sponsored by LifeNET, Inc. Child maltreatment, physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse and neglect are key areas of concern.

Childhelp® Childhelp® is dedicated to helping victims of child abuse and neglect. Childhelp’s approach focuses on prevention, intervention and treatment. The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-4-A-CHILD®, operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Healthy Families America (HFA)

Healthy Families America, a program of Prevent Child Abuse America, promotes child health and development and positive parenting through voluntary home visits by trained staff.

Resources for parents and children

Call 1-800-4-A-CHILD for The Childhelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline. You can call any time day or night, and an expert will be able to help you.
Call 1-800-621-4000 for the National Runaway Switchboard. If you have left home because you find life too tough there, call this number.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Citywide Clean Up Day

Royalty-free stock Vector Illustration: Trash can

City of Shawnee-City Wide Clean Up Day
April 19, 2008 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Residents, please bring items you wish to discard to your nearest collection location along with your City of Shawnee water bill and matching drivers’ license. Locations are as follows:

1. Landfill on Highway 9A near Earlsboro for vehicles pulling trailers. No commercial trucks if loaded with commercial waste will be accepted.

2. Shawnee Airport at Airport Drive and Franklin Street, which is also the
only recycling location *. Wood chips will also be available at this location for residents to pick up (until we run out).
o *Recycling – Tires 17 inches or less with NO RIMS, used oil, used antifreeze, used batteries, scrap metal (NO BARBED WIRE)

3. Boy Scout Park (southwest side) at 9th & Pesotum

4. Shawnee Public Works Service Center (west side) at 111 S. Kickapoo.

If you have any questions, or need more information, please call 405-878-1662.

Taken from the Shawnee News-Star

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Neighborhood Watch Area


Accomplishments of the Westside Watch

I thought that it would be a good idea for the accomplishments of the neighborhood watch to be posted so that all of us could see what we have been able to do since starting the Watch.

There were a couple of drug houses that we had a part in closing down, and a couple of house where they were selling stolen items, got that taken care of.

For our neighborhood watch members we had a Block party, and two Christmas parties. We had a Christmas food drive this past December and several pot luck dinners.

We were able to get Neighborhood watch signs installed at Pottenger and Poplar. Chapman and Benedict, Kirk and Kickapoo. So that the boundaries of the Westside Neighborhood Watch could be clearly seen by potential criminals.

We also provide Neighborhood Watch Window Warning decals stating "We Look Out For Each Other."

Due to traffic problems and the safety of drivers we were able to get a 4-way stop put in at Pottenger and Ford streets. Also installed on the corners of Chapman and Wallace.

Recently lights were installed at one of the parks in our watch area.

For the safety of pedestrians a cross walk was put in at Chapman and Wallace.

We have had many guest speakers at some of our meetings, Police officers, the Mayor of Shawnee, the City Manager, State Representative Kris Steele, Shorty Bishop a stand-up comic, and our latest speaker was from the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics.

The Westside Neighborhood Watch Insider newsletter took first place at the Oklahoma Neighborhood Conference in Oklahoma City.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Celebrate youth by creating a children's parade. We should consider holding a parade to coincide with the coming of spring. Area businesses might be willing to donate refreshments and prizes for it. And we could contact the media.

We could plan recreational activities for adults and youth. Walking, jogging and bicycling programs as well as card and game board groups can be organized by us. Or we could form discussion/book groups.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Writers Wanted

Do you have a story about our neighborhood that you would like to share? Tips for homeowners? News about interesting neighbors? Or neighborhood history? If so please e-mail your stories or ideas to

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

City connect Channel 30 Be sure to watch the latest City Connect Episode 8 aired on 2/29/2008. The topic of this episode is the Community Relations Officer in the City of Shawnee. Among other things the Community Relations Officers teach us about safety and crime prevention. From the web site for city connect.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 11th meeting

Sorry to say that our guest speaker Thomas Schrzan, City commissioner of Ward 2 came down with the flu and could not make it to the meeting. A big get well soon goes out to him.

We have a new writer for the newsletter it's Julie Thompson. Welcome back Julie and Thank You for taking on the task. Julie can be reached by email at The newsletter will be available on the first of each month and you can pick one up at 812 N Pottenger. For those of you that paid the $12 to have it mailed to you, we will continue to do so.
The newsletter will also available at the meetings.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

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Monday, February 25, 2008

a funny story

Okay here is your Valentine Story for this year:

Well, Girl Potato and Boy Potato had eyes for each other, and finally
they got married, and had a little sweet potato, which they called
Of course, they wanted the best for Yam. When it was time, they told
her about the facts of life.
They warned her about going out and getting half-baked, so she wouldn't
get accidentally mashed, and get a bad name for herself like 'Hot
Potato,' and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots
Yam said not to worry; no Spud would get her into the sack and make a
rotten potato out of her! But on the other hand she wouldn't stay home
and become a Couch Potato either. She would get plenty of exercise so
as not to be skinny like her Shoestring cousins.
When she went off to Europe, Mr. and Mrs. Potato told Yam to watch out
for the hard-boiled guys from Ireland. And the greasy guys from France
called the French Fries. And when she went out west, to watch out for
the Indians so she wouldn't get scalloped.
Yam said she would stay on the straight and narrow and wouldn't
associate with those high class Yukon Gold's, or the ones from the other
side of the tracks who advertise their trade on all the trucks that say,
'Frito Lay.'
Mr. and Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P.U. (that's Potato University) so
that when she graduated she'd really be in the Chips.
But in spite of all they did for her, one-day Yam came home and
announced she was going to marry Tom Brokaw.
Tom Brokaw!
Mr. and Mrs. Potato were very upset.
They told Yam she couldn't possibly marry Tom Brokaw because he's
Are you ready for this?
Are you sure?
OK! Here it is!




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