Sexting is the intentional use of a camera phone, to send explicit photos of ones self or someone else's nude photos to another's phone. One in five teens say that they have sent partial nude or nude photos of themselves to their friends. Sexting sharing can lead to anyone seeing what you might have only wanted one person to see because, most teens won't keep those photos to themselves they will more than likely post them on their facebook page or on my space.
Teens are like the teens of yesteryear, in that boys would tell their friends what they had done with their girlfriend over the weekend whether or not it was true. With sexting there is no protecting your reputation, it is no longer one's word against the others.
What most teenagers don't realize is that they can be charged with child porn and facing a felony. In Utah they are trying to pass HB14 that would make the crime a misdemeanor for 16 or 17 year-olds and from a class A to a class B misdemeanor for younger youth. If photos are exchanged by teens or they have nude photos on their phone they could be charged and sent to prison. The following are examples of the seriousness of sending, receiving or forwarding nude photos of others: one is from Rochester, N.Y. where a 16 year old boy is facing up to seven years in prison for forwarding nude photos of his 15 year old girlfriend to his friends. A 15 year-old in Pennsylvania is facing child pornography charges for sending nude photos of herself to other kids. In Florida a 19 year old was thrown out of college and now is a registered sex offender for 25 years because he sent nude photos of his girlfriend to other teens.
They don't think! We have all been there in their shoes, by doing stupid stuff, we can all understand that you have to learn by the mistakes that we have made or by the mistakes that our peers had made. But it is also our responsibility to tell and teach our teens. The real difference between teens and us is that we know better. Teenagers don't necessarily understand the repercussions of their actions. They just act.
Teens are like the teens of yesteryear, in that boys would tell their friends what they had done with their girlfriend over the weekend whether or not it was true. With sexting there is no protecting your reputation, it is no longer one's word against the others.
What most teenagers don't realize is that they can be charged with child porn and facing a felony. In Utah they are trying to pass HB14 that would make the crime a misdemeanor for 16 or 17 year-olds and from a class A to a class B misdemeanor for younger youth. If photos are exchanged by teens or they have nude photos on their phone they could be charged and sent to prison. The following are examples of the seriousness of sending, receiving or forwarding nude photos of others: one is from Rochester, N.Y. where a 16 year old boy is facing up to seven years in prison for forwarding nude photos of his 15 year old girlfriend to his friends. A 15 year-old in Pennsylvania is facing child pornography charges for sending nude photos of herself to other kids. In Florida a 19 year old was thrown out of college and now is a registered sex offender for 25 years because he sent nude photos of his girlfriend to other teens.
They don't think! We have all been there in their shoes, by doing stupid stuff, we can all understand that you have to learn by the mistakes that we have made or by the mistakes that our peers had made. But it is also our responsibility to tell and teach our teens. The real difference between teens and us is that we know better. Teenagers don't necessarily understand the repercussions of their actions. They just act.