Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Crime Prevention Tip

(Here are some ideas for home)
Take inventory and video tape the items in your home or take photos. Write down the serial numbers and mark your new items with an identifying number like your driver's license number (but by all means do not use your Social Security number!)
Make sure that you collapse and tear up all boxes so that criminals will not know what you have new inside your home.
(If you are going out of town)
Please let a good friend or neighbor know and ask them if they could pick up your mail and newspapers and to watch your home.
or call the newspaper and mail delivery service and have them suspend delivery while you are gone.
Stay tuned for further tips
and have a safe and happy holiday

Sunday, December 23, 2007



Thank you to all of the members that helped put the Christmas party together! Thank you to all of the businesses that made donations for the drawings given away. The secret santa game was lots of fun and the food was very good.

The neighborhood watch was able to put together 10 Christmas food baskets to give to our fellow neighbors so that they might have a nicer Christmas this year. Thank you to all of those who dontated items.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Check back often for information on meetings and how to contact the watch with information on stuff going on in the neighborhood.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

AUGUST 2007 Newsletter

Provided for your enjoyment is an example of that award winning newsletter from our neighborhood watch.

NOTE TO THE ORIGINAL EDITOR (aka Butch): Some fonts were changed in the reprinting of this newsletter to protect the innocent. Actually, I didn't have the same fonts Butch typically uses. All the information is still the same.

You can click on each picture and save it to your computer to look at off-line or to print to read at your leisure.

Be looking for following editions of the WNW Westside Insider to be posted here on the blog.

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