Friday, November 14, 2014


How to Describe a Suspect and other conditions.
Location information is critical:

  • Observe where you are and the exact location of the crime. Try to remember if you have ever seen the suspect in the area before.
  • Note the time as precisely as possible.
  • Observe if the suspect is carrying a weapon and, if so, what kind.
  • If the suspect leaves the scene, note the direction of flight.

If the suspect is in a vehicle, note as much of the following information as possible:
Type of vehicle: was it a truck, van, car. Its color; make and model; condition of vehicle {was it dirty, damaged, ect.}; and if you can get it the license plate numbers.
Also watch for decoys or accomplices.

A variety of general descriptions about the suspect should be noted:
  • Build: was he or she slim, muscular, husky, fat, etc.
  • Estimate of age
  • Sex
  • Estimate of weight
  • National origin
  • Height: use your own height, or some other standard measure to use as a comparison
Facial information is also important:
  • Hair: the color, style, passable wig
  • Eyes: the color, shape
  • Nose: was it long, wide, flat, etc.
  • Ears: were they protruding or flat against the head
  • Mouth: were they thin, full, did they turn up or down
  • Chin: what was the shape: round, oval, pointed, square, double chin, or dimpled.
  • Complexion: did he or she have acne, pockmarks
  • Facial hair: was he clean shaven, unshaven, have a beard, mustache, or goatee

Is that a Drug House

Is That A Drug House?
If we are going to stop crime and drugs from taking over our neighborhoods, we must all work together as a team. Without your help and assistance, local law enforcement officers face many restrictions. Your involvement is the key to stopping crime.

Do you have a drug house in your neighborhood?
Drug houses don't just happen in other neighborhoods. There are drug houses in all types of neighborhoods. There are four things that make a drug house:

Most neighborhoods have very little control over Product, Buyer, or Seller. Drug dealers look for locations where neighbors do not communicate and isolate themselves. This makes it easy to intimidate those neighbors that do notice drug activity. Drug dealers like neighborhoods that say "It can't happen here". Money is a key element for the drug dealer. If they establish a drug house in a neighborhood where kids and adults have money to buy drugs, business will thrive.

What are the warning signs of drug activity in the neighborhood?
Do any of these sound familiar?

Excessive foot traffic to and from a house or property
Loitering in or around a house
Frequent and unusual traffic patterns such as Stop-Enter-Leave
Threats of intimidation connected to a residence
Open exchange of drugs and money
Gang activity in the neighborhood
Graffiti on structures in the area
Prevention is the best way to stop drug houses
You can reduce the chance that a drug house moves into your neighborhood. Get to know your neighbors. Meet and know your Police Officers. As problems develop in the neighborhood, work with law enforcement to resolve them quickly.

What should you do if there is a drug house in your neighborhood?
One of the tools of the drug dealer is intimidation. There are safety in numbers.

log all activity connected to the suspected drug house
Talk to a Shawnee Police Officer and give the information to him.
Speak with property owners about problems that the tenants are causing for the neighbors. If you are having problems, the property owner is probably having problems too.
Report all problems to the appropriate agency. Police, Fire, Public Works are just some of the agencies that you may call with problems.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Are you Suspicious?

Suspicious Persons
Obviously, not every stranger who comes into our neighborhood is a criminal. The following circumstances should be called in and investigated — possible crime in process.
Going door to door in a residential area, especially if one or more goes to rear of residence or loiters in front of an UNOCCUPIED HOUSE. (Burglary)
Forcing entrance or entering an unoccupied house. (Burglary, Theft ,or Trespassing)
Running, especially if carrying something of value or carrying property at an unusual time. (Fleeing the scene of a crime)
Heavy traffic to and from a house, particularly if it occurs on a daily basis. (Drug dealing, vice, or fence operation)
Offering items of resale at a very low price. (trying to sell stolen property)
Loitering or driving through a neighborhood several times or appearing as a person with a wrong address. (Burglary)

Suspicious Vehicles
Vehicles in the following situations may be involved in crimes and should be reported to the police.
Slow moving, without lights, following aimless course in any location. (Burglary)
Parked or occupied, containing one or more persons, especially at an unusual hour or place. (Burglary lookouts)
Parked by an unoccupied residence, being loaded with valuables. (Burglary)
A vehicle containing weapons. (Criminal activity)
Someone, especially a female or juvenile, being forced into a vehicle. (Kidnapping, assault, or attempted rape)
Persons detaching mechanical parts or accessories from a vehicle. (Theft or vandalism)
Objects being thrown from a vehicle. (Disposing of contraband)

Get to know your neighborhood

Do you feel safe and connected on your neighborhood street,or do you feel
overcrowded, threatened, and otherwise unsafe in your surroundings? This,
and other aspects of neighborhood life, can affect both your level of happiness
and stress. I notice that many of the issues that arise between members
would not have become so problematic if the parties would have taken the time to get to know each other.
Here are some basic thoughts that may help promote community if you give them a chance.
With our busy schedules, we do not see friends as often as we would like. You would be amazed how quickly you could build relationships
with your neighbors by stopping and chatting with them for a few minutes on your way out to your car or while doing yard work.
Knowing the people around you not only heightens your sense of security, but it actually increases your security! If you need something--whether it’s a cup of sugar when you’re baking cookies,or someone to call the police if they see someone lurking outside your home--it’s nice to know you can
depend on those around you and they can depend on you. If you think about it, it is in your neighbors own best interest to keep an eye on your property.
Home Pride:
Knowing the people who live around you provides a strengthened sense of pride in your home and neighborhood. Coming home just feels nicer. When people feel like they belong to a community, they also take pride in enhancing its appearance.
While you may not be able to change the neighborhood street on which you live, you can change the experience you have on your own neighborhood block by getting more involved with those around you and taking pride in the area in which you live. The following are some ideas that can help you to feel more at home on your block:
Get Out More:
I highly recommend taking a morning or evening walk. It’s a great stress reliever that also allows you to get to know many of your neighbors, get an understanding of who lives where, and feel more at home in your surroundings.
It is simple enough,but if you are not in the habit of smiling and giving a friendly hello to the people you encounter in your neighborhood,it’s a good habit to start. While not everyone will return the friendliness immediately, it is a quick way to get to know people and build relationships, even if you have lived close for years and have not really said much to one another.
Talk To Senior Residents:
The more veteran members of the neighborhood often have the inside scoop on the neighborhood. You may be surprised at how much you can learn if you stop and take the time to talk to the sweet old woman at the end of the block,the man who is always sitting on his porch, or even the person who is always meticulously tending to their garden.

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