Friday, September 5, 2008

Crime committed

Wednesday a vehicle at 1007 Overland Ct. was broken into. A set of golf clubs among other items were stolen.
This is a good reason that the WNW should set up the Operation ID program. The program is easy to start. The WNW should purchase engravers that interested members can borrow to engrave their property.
What is Operation

Operation Identification is a citizen’s burglary prevention program for use in homes and businesses. The Operation ID program involves the marking of property with an identifying number as a means of discouraging burglary and theft.


Marked property is difficult for a criminal to dispose of or sell. It can be traced to the rightful owner with relative ease. Additionally, if the intruder is caught with marked property, it is solid evidence of possession of stolen goods.

The Operation ID program has three parts:
FIRST, mark your valuables with your DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER prefaced by "OK" for Oklahoma and followed by "DL" for Driver's License"



So your property can be easily traced and identified as yours. The Driver's License Number should be engraved on an area that cannot be easily removed and which is NOT easily seen, preferably adjacent to the manufacturer's model or serial number.

Second, after marking, photographing, or videotaping your property, make a list of your valuables. Keep a copy of the list in a safe place. If you should become a victim, you will be able to describe the stolen property to the police from the list.

Third, display a decal which tells would-be thieves that your property has been marked. By displaying an Operation ID sticker you are disclosing that your property has been marked and will be difficult for a criminal to sell or pawn. Often the presence of the sticker alone is enough to deter a intruder.


The items listed below are those most commonly stolen from homes and business:

Television sets, Stereo equipment, Radios
Game systems
Car radio/CD players
DVD, VCR players
Vacuum cleaners, and other household appliances
Fax machine
Cell phones
Hubcaps, Mag wheels
Lawn mowers
CB radios
Golf clubs
Electric shaver
Tools (hand and power)
Watches, clocks
Musical instruments
Kitchen appliances (Microwave, toaster, etc.)
Computer equipment (CPU, Monitor, keyboard, etc)
Computer printer


If the property is unmarkable, such as antiques, jewelry, silver, artwork, etc., you should inventory, photograph or videotape, and store those records in a safe deposit box.


When inventorying and marking property, use a systematic approach. Take one room at a time, as the property is marked or photographed, enter it on your inventory list. Keep a copy of the list in a safe place. If you should subsequently become a burglary victim, you will be able to quickly describe the stolen property from this list. This will be of great help to police in their attempt to recover the stolen possessions.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September Neighborhood Watch meeting

The September WNW meeting is set for the 9Th at 7:00 pm. located in the basement of the Wallace Ave. Baptist Church.

New officers will be elected for office, nominee's are:

Julie Thompson - running for President,

Lynette Davis - Vice-President,

Della Hutton - Secretary

Dora Mize - Treasurer

Chief Mathis will be unable to attend the meeting, but Lt. Russell Frantz will be joining us. Lt. Frantz is the Gang enforcement unit Commander, let's all make him feel welcome to our meeting. It is the goal of the Shawnee Pd to learn from the Neighborhood watch program and for us to learn from them.

We are again having our annual food drive for those of us who need a little help during the holiday season. Please bring non -perishable food items to the meeting or you can drop items off at one of the officers homes. Remember every little bit can and does help.

Also if you have a clean slightly used coat, hat or gloves that you would like to donate contact Dora at 275- 2349 or Julie at 201-8467 please donate and help some one keep a little warmer this winter.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Time to get rid of that bulk waste

Not until October but you can get a jump start on your yard clean up. As you all have received the Schedule for bulk waste pick up I thought that I would go ahead and post it here also.

Curbside Bulk waste pickup schedule is set for Wednesday October 1, 2008 if your pollycart is picked up on Mondays.
October 8, if your pollycart is picked up on Tuesdays.
October 15, if your pollycart is picked up on Wednesdays.
October 22, if your pollycart is picked up on Thursdays.
October 29, if your pollycart is picked up on Fridays.

Accepted item's include: refrigerators, freezers,and air conditioners if a certification has been issued by a qualified tech., that the Freon has been removed.
Cut those limbs into 3-foot lengths and tie them up must be under 35 lbs.
Don't put out overly heavy pieces of concrete or rocks. If you can't carry it they won't either.
Don't demolish anything and try to have it picked up they won't take it.
If you have a dead possum in your yard they won't take that either.
They won't take any hazardous waste, batteries, paint,tires,oils, or any other liquid substances.
Later when I find out, I will post what can be taken to the curb or roadside that they will pick up.
If you have any questions call Allied Waste at 275-9062

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