Tuesday, June 10, 2008

May 12, 2008 Minutes

The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the WNW was called to order at 7:05 pm by President Butch Cushman. All officers were present except for V. Pres. Total attendance: 18.
1. Invocation: Bill Claborn.
2. Consideration of minutes of March 11, 08 tabled from previous meeting. Motion to approve Julie T. and seconded by Jack - motion carried.
3. Consideration of minutes of April 8, 08. Motion to approve by Dora M. and seconded by Julie T. - motion carried.
4. Consideration of Treasures Report: Treasurer Dora M. reported April bal. $212.33 April donations $24.00 April expenses $0.00, Bal as of May 12, 08 $236.33. Motion to approve treasures report by Jack H., second by Julie T. - motion carried.
5. Program by Melvin Potter, Pott. Co. emergency services. He explained 911 coverage of Pott. Co. and weather related issues. He will return at the next meeting to help program weather radios.
6. Butch reported that the church may be used as a weather shelter when sirens are sounded and will attempt to get the church registered as a storm shelter.
7. Butch C. submitted his resignation as president due to health reasons.
8. Consideration to appoint interim president until October elections. Motion to appoint Julie Thompson by Jack H. and seconded by Bill C. - motion carried.
9. Pres. Julie accepted appointment and discussed some ideas to refresh the WNW.
10. Adjourned.
Approved: June 10, 2008


With hotter temperatures coming the WNW is soliciting much needed fan donations to help keep our neighbors cool.

Do you have a fan that you no longer need? Then you can help provide cool air to an older adult,and families with children.

This fan drive is one way for members of the WNW to reach out and help our most susceptible citizens cope with the long, hot Oklahoma summer.

Please bring them to one of our monthly meetings. Or to 812 N Pottenger. If you know of someone in need of a fan please contact one of our watch officers.

We have a donation of some air conditioners if you need one please let us know so that we can get one to you

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