Thursday, June 4, 2009


Parents please remind your teen drivers that they need to be extra careful of small children playing outside and around the parks. A driver never knows if someone might come out between a car chasing after a ball or running while playing tag or other games. Lets make this an accident free summer.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Free Trees Available Again
Three free trees per household will be available on Sat. June 6 at the Shawnee Airport, north of the big hangers beginning at 8 am. The Oklahoma Tree Bank and Apache Foundation are supplying the trees to the Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee. The Types of Trees are tulip poplar, pines, oak and arborvitae shrubs in containers, similar to those distributed last fall. Preselection is not available.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Curfew Hours

Curfew hours means those hours during the period ending at 6:00 a.m. all days of the
week and beginning at 12:00 midnight on Sunday through Thursday and 1:00 a.m. on Friday
and Saturday.
Minor means any person under 18 years of age. Furthermore, the term "minor" is
synonymous with the term "juvenile."

Teens, cell phones and the internet

Although the increased independence that a cell phone might offer a child can be good, it can also be a negative thing. Consider that with a cell phone, your child will simply have another way to communicate with the outside world that you will have little supervision over. Cell phones may even be a distraction to kids. We all know that they are a distraction for drivers, but one study has also shown that cell phones can be a big distraction for kids crossing the street and could lead to more accidents and injuries. Cell phones allow kids to keep their contacts secret and can facilitate contact with bad influences. The Office of National Drug Control Policy has reported that some teens are using technology and the Internet to get drug information, and cell phones provide instant access to information and sources of drugs.

What you can do about it.

Know your children's cell phone contact list.

Be specific about cell phone use and set up specific rules about how and when the phone will be used. Set a limit on how much time children can use each month and how many text messages they can send and receive.

Emphasize and enforce the rule that teens should never use a cell phone while driving.

Establish rules of etiquette, such as never using a cell phone within 20 feet of another person.

Carriers offer some options for parents to limit what their kids can do with their Web-equipped phones here are some of them:

If your child's phone has Internet access, check with your service provider to find out how you can block adult sites. The provider might do it for you, or you might have to do it on the phone.

Cingular cell phones give adults an easy option to block adult sites, allowing parents to block or filter content.

And if your children figure out a way around your password and changes the filters, Cingular sends parents an email letting them know the content blocking feature has been bypassed.

Verizon Wireless added new parental controls for cell phones last year. Users can choose from three levels of settings that will filter the content available on the phone based on a rating system that takes the age of the user into account. The most restrictive setting, aimed at kids between the ages of 7 and 12, blocks access to e-mail, instant messaging, social networking sites and chat groups. The free service also filters Verizon's V CAST multimedia player that plays video and music according to the setting chosen by the parent. To sign up, Verizon customers can visit the Web site or call customer service.

AT&T Inc. has this plan Smart Limits plan for $4.99 a month. The plan lets users limit the number of text and instant messages sent and received.

Parents can block content that may not be appropriate for younger users, like chat rooms and dating sites, on AT&T's home page called MEdia Net, which comes with most of AT&T's basic cell phones. Or they can block access to the Web entirely.

T-Mobile USA Inc. offers a free service called Web Guard that filters mobile Web sites that might be inappropriate for younger users. It automatically blocks the search and browsing of several categories of sites, including dating, gambling and sex . The company says the service works on most phones, but may not work at certain times and in certain locations.

Sprint Nextel Corp.'s free service is called Web Access and limits Web browsing to about 100 preselected sites that are considered safe for all ages. Parents can turn on the service from their profile on the Sprint Web site or from their child's phone. All other sites are blocked. E-mail, instant messaging and access to mobile chat rooms can be blocked only by turning off the Web features on the phone itself. free service is called Web Access and limits Web browsing to about 100 preselected sites that are considered safe for all ages. Parents can turn on the service from their profile on the Sprint Web site or from their child's phone. All other sites are blocked. E-mail, instant messaging and access to mobile chat rooms can be blocked only by turning off the Web features on the phone itself.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Animals that are a nuisance

Sec. 5-20. Animal a nuisance.
(a) It shall be the duty of the animal control officer to investigate any proper claim that an animal is a nuisance within the meaning of this chapter. Should the investigating official determine that a nuisance exists and it is necessary to abate the nuisance or should the official have reason to believe a threat to public health or safety exists, he shall refer the matter to the city prosecutor for approval of a verified complaint and an order from the court that the animal be impounded. Following the filing of such verified complaint and an evidentiary hearing, if the court finds upon a preponderance of the evidence that a nuisance existed, the court may order the animal euthanized as in the case of a vicious animal. In lieu of ordering the animal euthanized, the court shall, at the request of the animal owner, require that the owner abate and prevent such nuisance and give a good and sufficient bond within three days in an amount not greater than $500.00, satisfactory for a period not exceeding one year. In this event, the court may order the return of such animal to the owner. However, during the pendency of such bond, upon a finding by the court that the nuisance has reoccurred, the court shall order the animal be impounded, euthanized and the owner's bond be forfeited. If the court shall find no nuisance existed, the court shall order the animal be surrendered to the owner.
(b) For purposes of this section, nuisance shall mean any animal that habitually commits any one or a combination of the following acts:
(1) Scratches or digs into any flower bed, garden, tilled soil, vines, shrubbery or small plants and in so doing injures the same;
(2) Overturns any garbage can or other vessel for waste products or scatters the contents of same;
(3) Chases any person or domestic animal, or kills any domestic animal;
(4) Barks, howls, brays or makes any other loud or offensive noise common to its species or peculiar to itself, so as to disturb the inhabitants of the community;
(5) Is running at large.
(c) At the option of the owner, but subject to the approval of the animal control officer, an animal impounded pursuant to this section may be impounded in a private kennel or veterinary clinic during the pendency of the nuisance action. The operators of the facility shall then assume full liability for the confinement and maintenance of such animal and shall not release it without first being authorized by the animal control officer or the court. All fees for such impoundment shall be the responsibility of the owner. In no event shall the City of Shawnee be liable for costs of fees charged by the private facility. Further, the city may assess to the owner the cost of transporting the animal to the privately operated impoundment facility.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the release from impoundment of any animal not properly licensed and vaccinated, or a threat to public health or safety.
(e) A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of $200.00, plus court costs.
(Ord. No. 2386NS, § 1, 12-1-2008; Ord. No. 2395NS, § 2, 2-17-2009)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Violations in our area watch


Crime in our area

On 5/13/2009
There was a robbery on Wood and N Kickapoo St at 9:30 pm

also on 5/13/2009
It was reported that someone received, or possed stolen property on the corner on N Kennedy Ave and Ford

Vacation Crime Prevention Tips

Vacation is a time for relaxation and enjoyment. It can also be the time for crime victimization if appropriate crime prevention measures are not followed. The following crime prevention tips are designed to allow the vacationer to enjoy a safe and secure trip and to return to a secure residence.

Before Leaving . . . . Secure Your Residence
· Have good locks on all doors and windows and use them.
· Make sure your residence looks lived in, not empty.
· Leave shades and blinds in a normal position.
· Ask a neighbor to watch your residence while you are away. Leave your vacation address
and telephone number with a neighbor so you can be reached in case of an emergency.
· Test your smoke and burglar alarms.
· Stop all deliveries, arrange for a neighbor to pick up your mail, newspaper and packages.
· Arrange for someone to mow your lawn, rake leaves and maintain the yard to give the
home a lived-in look.
· Have a neighbor place garbage cans at the curb on your normal pickup day(s) and return them after the garbage pickup is made.
· Plug in timers to turn lights and a radio or television on and off at appropriate times.
· Turn the bell or ringer on your telephone down low. If a burglar is around, he won’t be alerted to your absence by a ringing telephone.
· If you have call forwarding on your telephone, forward your calls to a trusted friend or relative.
· Don’t announce your absence on answering machine messages; leave your normal
message on the machine.
· Engrave your valuables with your driver’s license number.
· Close and lock garage doors and windows. Ask a neighbor to occasionally park in your driveway. If you leave your car at home, park it as you normally would. Vehicles parked outside should be moved occasionally to appear that they are being used.
· Consider taking valuables to a bank safety deposit box.

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