Warm weather is the time most people prefer to relocate. Whether it's a promotion, better schools, or the desire for a different climate, spring is the time when many families start the process of moving.
If you are already in a new location or soon will be, here are some tips to help your children adjust safely to their surroundings:
Be sure your children know their full names and learn their new address and phone number as soon as possible.
Visit their new school prior to the first day of classes.
If your children will be riding the bus, both you and your children should know the location of the bus stop and the number of their bus. They should tell you about any unusual incidents at the bus stop or on the bus.
When meeting new neighbors, try to have your children present. This will let people know there are new playmates for their children and make them aware that the new faces they are seeing in the neighborhood belong there.
Place a list of emergency phone numbers by the phone as soon as possible, including pager and cell phone numbers. Make sure your child knows how and when to dial 911.
Take the family on a walk through the neighborhood to learn new streets and landmarks. Point out public places the children can go to if they need assistance or are frightened. Make a map they can take with them until they are familiar with the area.
Once the children have made new friends, make sure they understand that they must have permission before accepting rides or going to someone's house.
Remind your children that the same house rules still apply—keep doors and windows locked, don't open the door to strangers, don't give out personal information over the phone, don't tell a caller that no adults are home, etc.
Moving to a new neighborhood can be both frightening and exciting. Make sure your children understand that rules of safety still apply no matter where they live.
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