Monday, December 1, 2014

Alcohol Safety

Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when consuming alcohol.

  • Limit the number of drinks consumed and eat a good meal before drinking and while you drink.

  • Drink with friends. But don't try to keep up with them. Look out for your friends and ask them to look out for you.

  • Limit money spent on alcohol

  • Pour your own drinks, and drink something without alcohol in it between alcoholic drinks. It will help you to stay hydrated.

  • Use self-protective strategies

  • If you are with a friend and they are drunk, don't leave them with someone that you or they don't know.

  • Be aware of your surroundings.

  • Have a plan for getting home safely. Designate a driver that has not consumed alcohol.

  • Don't Drink and Drive ! you never know it might be your family member in that next car.

  • Let people know where you will be and how to contact you.

  • Remember that drinking affects your judgment.

If someone you are with drinks a lot and seems confused or falls asleep, they may be suffering from alcohol poisoning. Know the signs and what to do:

If they pass out or appear to fall asleep, pinch their skin to see if they react or wake up; check for cold, clammy, unusually pale or bluish skin; count breaths to see if they breathe less than 8 times in a minute (slow breathing); check to see if breaths are more than 10 seconds apart (irregular breathing); watch to see if they vomit without waking up; watch for seizures.

Binge drinking can cause a seizure, even in people who do not have epilepsy; never leave them alone; never put them to bed to “sleep it off”; put them in the recovery position so they don’t choke on their own vomit.

If someone you know or don't know has the symptoms of alcohol poisoning please get them help right away and call 911

Steps to take if your child becomes a runaway or has been abducted

The following is from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

When your child becomes a runaway the following are steps that you should immediately start.
  • Remain calm
  • Check with your childs friends, neighbors,relatives,or anyone else who they might know.
  • Call or visit the places that your child frequently visits.
  • Report the runaway to your local law enforcement.
  • Call your local runaway hotline or contact the National Runaway Switchboard at 1-800621-4000 they may be able to give you more assistance and advice.
  • Keep track of everyone that you have talked to.
  • Make sure that law enforcement enters your childs name and description into the National Crime Information Center's Databases. This will be accessable to other law enforcements agencies accross the country. You can also contact the nearest FBI field office for help.
  • If it has been a day or two start making posters or fliers. Place them in store windows, truck stops, youth-oriented businesses, hospitals, law-enforcement agencies and local spots that your child may frequent.
Recheck with your child's friends, school, neighbors, and if they are employed, their employer.
If you have reason to believe your child has been abducted do not disturb or remove any of your child's items before law enforcement arrives. Key clues could be disturbed or destroyed. DO NOT DELAY IN CONTACTING LAW ENFORCEMENT YOU NEED TO EXPLAIN ALL OF THE FACTS LEADING TO THE BELIEF THAT YOUR CHILD IS AN ABDUCTION VICTIM,
  • Provide a recent photo of your child.
  • There is no wating period for reporting a child missing to law encorcement or for entry into the National Crime Information Center Database.

Friday, November 21, 2014

A short history of the Crips and Bloods

The Crips gang was started in 1969 by 15 year old Raymond Washington, in Los Angeles. The original name was Baby Avenues or Avenue Cribs. The name Crip became so common among the Avenues Cribs that it became the acceptable name in 1971. Many Crip sets were formed during this time they included Avalon Garden Crips, Eastside Crips, Inglewood Crips and the Westside Crips. Also around this time Stanley "Tookie" Williams, started the Westside Crips. The original intent was to continue the revolutionary ideology of the Panther's and to act as community leaders and protectors of their local neighborhoods. They became increasingly violent and constantly expanded their turf. In the early 1980's, the gang was heavily involved in the drug trade.
The original style of dress was to wear black leather jackets. They walked with a shuffle like a limp and also carried canes.
In the 1970's colors became a way to signify allegiance to one gang or another. The Crips began using the blue bandanna or blue flag and displayed them in their left side as their color. It has been suggested that the color selection was because blue was the color of Washington High School. The Crips use the letter C to replace the letter B in their conversations and writings. The initials BK represent their status as "Blood Killers." And the Bloods used the red bandanna and started displaying them on the right side.

The Bloods were originally Crip Sets. The Pirus, at one time hung out with the Crips they were called or known as the Piru Street (Boys) Crips. Several members of the Pirus gang had a conflict with some of the Crips and warfare ensued. During the summer of 1972 Robert Ballou, who was not a member of a gang was killed for his leather jacket the Pirus felt that because he was not a member of any organization and neutral he should not have been killed. They got together with the Lueders Park Hustlers, L.A. Brims started in 1969, Denver Lanes, the Bishops. and other organizations targeted by the Crip Sets and formed the Bloods.

Street gangs in Los Angeles had rumbles before this time and were usually over control of parties or hangout spots and high school rivalries. Weapons were not used often, gang members preferred fistfights. It was considered a punk move to get a weapon to retaliate after a fight. The most common weapons included baseball bats, bumper jacks, or an occasional knife.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Home Security

DOORS: Are the primary point of entry for many burglars. All exterior doors should be metal or solid wood and have strong door hinges with hidden or non-removable pins on the inside of the door. Install good quality deadbolt locks.
Windows: Are the most utilized access point to unlawful entry. One could plant thorny bushes around windows to make illegal entry more difficult.
Cut back tree limbs that might allow thieves to climb into windows.
Lighting: A well-lighted house can expose any individuals attempting to commit criminal acts. They increase visibility and eliminate hiding places.
Garages: Are commonly overlooked. If the door that connects the garage to the house is not kept secure, then anyone entering the garage can also enter the house. Always lock this door.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Safety Tips tips during a power outage

Causes of power outages

Trees, limbs or branches knocked down by wind, snow or ice.

Equipment overload when electric heaters are turned up throughout the electrical system

Animals that contact the lines

Circuit overloads within you own home. Check your fuses and breakers.

What to do first

Check the breakers or fuse box to determine if the cause of the outage is a blown fuse or tripped breaker. Look for lights on in your neighborhood to see if others are affected.

If it's not a breaker or fuse box call the electric co. Keep your account number handy.

Turn off all electrical equipment to prevent overloading the circuits in your home when power is restored.

Check on any friends and neighbors who may need help.

Keep on hand and let everyone know where the following are:

know where the fuse box is

Flashlight with extra batteries

blankets and/or sleeping bag

battery powered radio


first aid kit

In your home

Never use kerosene, or propane heaters, or charcoal

Preserve body heat by wearing multiple layers of clothing.
Blankets and towels around your windows and doors help keep the heat in.

Wrap your pipes during freezing weather with insulation and leave faucets dripping so water won't freeze and crack the pipes.

Keep you freezer door closed.

Generator safety

  • Never plug your generator into an outlet, and don’t connect a generator directly to your home’s main fuse box or circuit panel.
  • To temporarily power an appliance, plug it directly into the generator.
  • Use properly sized and grounded extension cords and keep cords hidden so they don’t present a tripping hazard.
  • Always properly ventilate a portable generator. Gasoline-powered generators produce carbon monoxide and the fumes can be deadly.
  • Make sure that the total electric load on your generator won’t exceed the generator’s rating.

Friday, November 14, 2014


How to Describe a Suspect and other conditions.
Location information is critical:

  • Observe where you are and the exact location of the crime. Try to remember if you have ever seen the suspect in the area before.
  • Note the time as precisely as possible.
  • Observe if the suspect is carrying a weapon and, if so, what kind.
  • If the suspect leaves the scene, note the direction of flight.

If the suspect is in a vehicle, note as much of the following information as possible:
Type of vehicle: was it a truck, van, car. Its color; make and model; condition of vehicle {was it dirty, damaged, ect.}; and if you can get it the license plate numbers.
Also watch for decoys or accomplices.

A variety of general descriptions about the suspect should be noted:
  • Build: was he or she slim, muscular, husky, fat, etc.
  • Estimate of age
  • Sex
  • Estimate of weight
  • National origin
  • Height: use your own height, or some other standard measure to use as a comparison
Facial information is also important:
  • Hair: the color, style, passable wig
  • Eyes: the color, shape
  • Nose: was it long, wide, flat, etc.
  • Ears: were they protruding or flat against the head
  • Mouth: were they thin, full, did they turn up or down
  • Chin: what was the shape: round, oval, pointed, square, double chin, or dimpled.
  • Complexion: did he or she have acne, pockmarks
  • Facial hair: was he clean shaven, unshaven, have a beard, mustache, or goatee

Is that a Drug House

Is That A Drug House?
If we are going to stop crime and drugs from taking over our neighborhoods, we must all work together as a team. Without your help and assistance, local law enforcement officers face many restrictions. Your involvement is the key to stopping crime.

Do you have a drug house in your neighborhood?
Drug houses don't just happen in other neighborhoods. There are drug houses in all types of neighborhoods. There are four things that make a drug house:

Most neighborhoods have very little control over Product, Buyer, or Seller. Drug dealers look for locations where neighbors do not communicate and isolate themselves. This makes it easy to intimidate those neighbors that do notice drug activity. Drug dealers like neighborhoods that say "It can't happen here". Money is a key element for the drug dealer. If they establish a drug house in a neighborhood where kids and adults have money to buy drugs, business will thrive.

What are the warning signs of drug activity in the neighborhood?
Do any of these sound familiar?

Excessive foot traffic to and from a house or property
Loitering in or around a house
Frequent and unusual traffic patterns such as Stop-Enter-Leave
Threats of intimidation connected to a residence
Open exchange of drugs and money
Gang activity in the neighborhood
Graffiti on structures in the area
Prevention is the best way to stop drug houses
You can reduce the chance that a drug house moves into your neighborhood. Get to know your neighbors. Meet and know your Police Officers. As problems develop in the neighborhood, work with law enforcement to resolve them quickly.

What should you do if there is a drug house in your neighborhood?
One of the tools of the drug dealer is intimidation. There are safety in numbers.

log all activity connected to the suspected drug house
Talk to a Shawnee Police Officer and give the information to him.
Speak with property owners about problems that the tenants are causing for the neighbors. If you are having problems, the property owner is probably having problems too.
Report all problems to the appropriate agency. Police, Fire, Public Works are just some of the agencies that you may call with problems.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Are you Suspicious?

Suspicious Persons
Obviously, not every stranger who comes into our neighborhood is a criminal. The following circumstances should be called in and investigated — possible crime in process.
Going door to door in a residential area, especially if one or more goes to rear of residence or loiters in front of an UNOCCUPIED HOUSE. (Burglary)
Forcing entrance or entering an unoccupied house. (Burglary, Theft ,or Trespassing)
Running, especially if carrying something of value or carrying property at an unusual time. (Fleeing the scene of a crime)
Heavy traffic to and from a house, particularly if it occurs on a daily basis. (Drug dealing, vice, or fence operation)
Offering items of resale at a very low price. (trying to sell stolen property)
Loitering or driving through a neighborhood several times or appearing as a person with a wrong address. (Burglary)

Suspicious Vehicles
Vehicles in the following situations may be involved in crimes and should be reported to the police.
Slow moving, without lights, following aimless course in any location. (Burglary)
Parked or occupied, containing one or more persons, especially at an unusual hour or place. (Burglary lookouts)
Parked by an unoccupied residence, being loaded with valuables. (Burglary)
A vehicle containing weapons. (Criminal activity)
Someone, especially a female or juvenile, being forced into a vehicle. (Kidnapping, assault, or attempted rape)
Persons detaching mechanical parts or accessories from a vehicle. (Theft or vandalism)
Objects being thrown from a vehicle. (Disposing of contraband)

Get to know your neighborhood

Do you feel safe and connected on your neighborhood street,or do you feel
overcrowded, threatened, and otherwise unsafe in your surroundings? This,
and other aspects of neighborhood life, can affect both your level of happiness
and stress. I notice that many of the issues that arise between members
would not have become so problematic if the parties would have taken the time to get to know each other.
Here are some basic thoughts that may help promote community if you give them a chance.
With our busy schedules, we do not see friends as often as we would like. You would be amazed how quickly you could build relationships
with your neighbors by stopping and chatting with them for a few minutes on your way out to your car or while doing yard work.
Knowing the people around you not only heightens your sense of security, but it actually increases your security! If you need something--whether it’s a cup of sugar when you’re baking cookies,or someone to call the police if they see someone lurking outside your home--it’s nice to know you can
depend on those around you and they can depend on you. If you think about it, it is in your neighbors own best interest to keep an eye on your property.
Home Pride:
Knowing the people who live around you provides a strengthened sense of pride in your home and neighborhood. Coming home just feels nicer. When people feel like they belong to a community, they also take pride in enhancing its appearance.
While you may not be able to change the neighborhood street on which you live, you can change the experience you have on your own neighborhood block by getting more involved with those around you and taking pride in the area in which you live. The following are some ideas that can help you to feel more at home on your block:
Get Out More:
I highly recommend taking a morning or evening walk. It’s a great stress reliever that also allows you to get to know many of your neighbors, get an understanding of who lives where, and feel more at home in your surroundings.
It is simple enough,but if you are not in the habit of smiling and giving a friendly hello to the people you encounter in your neighborhood,it’s a good habit to start. While not everyone will return the friendliness immediately, it is a quick way to get to know people and build relationships, even if you have lived close for years and have not really said much to one another.
Talk To Senior Residents:
The more veteran members of the neighborhood often have the inside scoop on the neighborhood. You may be surprised at how much you can learn if you stop and take the time to talk to the sweet old woman at the end of the block,the man who is always sitting on his porch, or even the person who is always meticulously tending to their garden.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Schedule for the 2014 Meetings

January 14 – Shawnee School Board of Education
June Taffee, Ward 3 and Bobby Canty, Ward 7
February 11 – Jim Kinnamon - Shawnee Proud and Pottawatomie County Strong. and
Lt. Phillip Canning from the Salvation Army Bridges out of Recovery
March 11 – Central Disposal (Curbside Recycling) - Todd Adcock
April 8 – Project Gabriel - Mary Brooks
May 13 – Shawnee Rescue Mission - Sarah Inselman
June 10 – Candidates for Primary Election of June 24
July 8 – Project Safe - Tracy Eaker, Executive Director
August 12 – Oklahoma Human Trafficking - Mike Snowden, 30 year police veteran
September 9 – Mission Shawnee Food Pantry and Summer Lunch Program
Martin Abbott
October 14 – Candidate for Election of November 4
November 11 – Project Warrior (Help for hiring returning veterans)
To be announced
December 9 – Christmas Party Bring gifts for designated charities.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Shawnee Animal Shelter Information

Animal Control department in Shawnee
Is located on Highway 177 and just north of Independence St.
on the east side of the road if you are going towards I-40 next to the Shawnee Expo Center.
(405) 878-1531
(405) 273-2121 after hours

They are open from 10:00 AM. until 5:00 pm.  Mon. - Fri. and closed on weekends and holidays.

You can visit the website that takes the photos at The pictures of the animals are updated two to three times a week so that you can see them.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Sexting is the intentional use of a camera phone, to send explicit photos of ones self or someone else's nude photos to another's phone. One in five teens say that they have sent partial nude or nude photos of themselves to their friends. Sexting sharing can lead to anyone seeing what you might have only wanted one person to see because, most teens won't keep those photos to themselves they will more than likely post them on their facebook page or on my space.
Teens are like the teens of yesteryear, in that boys would tell their friends what they had done with their girlfriend over the weekend whether or not it was true. With sexting there is no protecting your reputation, it is no longer one's word against the others.
What most teenagers don't realize is that they can be charged with child porn and facing a felony. In Utah they are trying to pass HB14 that would make the crime a misdemeanor for 16 or 17 year-olds and from a class A to a class B misdemeanor for younger youth. If photos are exchanged by teens or they have nude photos on their phone they could be charged and sent to prison. The following are examples of the seriousness of sending, receiving or forwarding nude photos of others: one is from Rochester, N.Y. where a 16 year old boy is facing up to seven years in prison for forwarding nude photos of his 15 year old girlfriend to his friends. A 15 year-old in Pennsylvania is facing child pornography charges for sending nude photos of herself to other kids. In Florida a 19 year old was thrown out of college and now is a registered sex offender for 25 years because he sent nude photos of his girlfriend to other teens.
They don't think! We have all been there in their shoes, by doing stupid stuff, we can all understand that you have to learn by the mistakes that we have made or by the mistakes that our peers had made. But it is also our responsibility to tell and teach our teens. The real difference between teens and us is that we know better. Teenagers don't necessarily understand the repercussions of their actions. They just act.

Cellphone tips for Parents


Here’s advice on how parents might prevent “sexting” and other sexually motivated online activities:
Talk to children and teens about cell phone and Internet safety.

Let them know that photographs sent via cell phone or the Internet are not private.
Set behavior expectations such as what is appropriate in mobile communication.

Enforce a rule that cell phones and laptops must be left in a public area with the parents/guardian before the teen or child goes to bed. This prevents temptation to log on or chat late at night.

Internet and cell phone accounts should always be in the parents’ name.
• Parents should be in charge of all passwords and parental controls.
• Contact your cell phone provider to learn more about restrictions parents can place on cell phones.
• BEFORE YOU HIT SEND:Here are some tips teens should consider before sending photos or text messages: Don’t assume text messages will remain private – 40 percent of teens and young adults said they have shared messages that were intended to be private.
Cyberspace is forever. Once something is sent via cell phone or Internet, it exists permanently, which could cause problems when applying to a college or for a job. Parents, teachers, friends and enemies can find those photos or messages Even if a racy message or post is later deleted by the sender, it may have been passed on and posted by dozens of others.
Remember that nothing is truly anonymous

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Internet lingo what your kids know, and what you now know. Some of these are nasty but you should know what they mean.
AFK = away from keyboard

ASL = age/sex/location
ATM = at the moment

BBL = be back later
BBS = be back soon

BF = boy friend
BRB = be right back

BTW = by the way
CUI = cracking up inside

CUL8R = see you later
CTN = can't talk now
FYI = for your information

G2G = got to go
New lesson in internet lingo
PAW= parents are watching
PIR= parents in room
LMIRL = lets meet in real life
420 = Marijuana
NALOPKT = not a lot of people know that
WYRN = what's your real name
c-p = sleepy
FOAF = friend of a friend
143 or 459 = I love you
next lesson
GF= girlfriend

HW= homework
ID= i don't care

IDK = i don't know
IMO = in my opinion

JAS = just a second
JIT = just in time

JK = just kidding
JW = just wondering

KOTC = kiss on the cheek
LOL = laughing out loud

ROTFL = rolling on the floor laughing
LYL = love ya lots
LYLAB = love ya like a brother
LYLAS = love ya like a sister
NM = not much

8- it refers to oral sex1337- it means elite
182- it means I hate you
1174- it means nude club
ADR or addy- Address
banana- it means penisCD9- it means Code 9 = parents are aroundDUM- Do You Masturbate?DUSL- Do You Scream Loud?FB- F*** Buddy
GNOC- Get Naked On Cam (webcam)GYPO- Get Your Pants Off
IIT- Is It Tight?
IMEZRU- I Am Easy, Are You?IWSN- I Want Sex NowJ/O- Jerking OffKFY- Kiss For Youkitty- it means vaginaKPC - Keeping Parents Clueless
MOOS- Member(s) Of the Opposite SexMOSS or MOTSS- Member(s) Of The Same SexMorF- Male or FemaleMOS - Mom Over ShoulderMPFB- My Personal F*** Buddy
NIFOC- Nude In Front Of ComputerNMU- Not Much, You?P911- Parent AlertPAL- Parents Are Listening
POS- Parent Over ShoulderPRON- PornQ2C- Quick To CumRU/18- Are You Over 18?RUH- Are You Horny?S2R- Send To Recieve (pictures)SorG- Straight or GayTDTM- Talk Dirty To MeWYCM- Will You Call Me?

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