Wednesday, December 14, 2011

O Christmas Tree


  • When purchasing an artificial tree, look for the label "Fire Resistant." Although this label does not mean the tree won't catch fire, it does indicate the tree is more resistant to burning.
  • When purchasing a live tree, check for freshness. A fresh tree is green, needles are hard to pull from branches and do not break when bent between your fingers. The trunk butt of a fresh tree is sticky with resin, and when tapped on the ground, the tree should not lose many needles.
  • When setting up a tree at home, place it away from fireplaces and radiators. Because heated rooms dry live trees out rapidly, be sure to keep the stand filled with water. Dry branches are more sensitive to heat from lights. Replace the water in the container daily. Place the tree out of the way of traffic and do not block doorways.
  • If you have young children that like to climb, consider purchasing a tabletop tree.
  • When the holidays are over, don't hang onto your tree for an excessive period out of sentimentality. It's time to toss it. Why? Because it's very likely that your tree is already drying out quickly despite your frequent water changes, and for each day it remains standing, your risk of household fire increases -- even if you've stopped illuminating your Christmas lights.

Christmas lights

Christmas Lights

  • Indoors or outside, use only lights that have been tested for safety by a recognized testing laboratory, such as UL or ETL. This indicates conformance with safety standards. Use only lights that have plugs containing fuses.

  • Check each set of lights, new or old, for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections. Throw out damaged sets. Always replace burned-out bulbs promptly with the same wattage bulbs.

  • If using an extension cord, make sure it is rated for the intended use.

  • Never use electric lights on a metallic tree. The tree can become charged with electricity from faulty lights, and a person touching a branch could be electrocuted.

  • Before using lights outdoors, check labels to be sure they have been certified for outdoor use.

  • Stay away from power or feeder lines leading from utility poles into older homes.

  • Fasten outdoor lights securely to trees, house walls, or other firm supports to protect the lights from wind damage. Use only insulated staples (not nails or tacks) to hold strings in place. Or, run strings of lights through hooks (available at hardware stores).

  • Turn off all holiday lights when you go to bed or leave the house. The lights could short out and start a fire.

  • Use caution when removing outdoor holiday lights. Never pull or tug on lights – this could cause stress on the connections that could create a fire hazard.

  • Outdoor electric lights and decorations should be plugged into circuits protected by ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) to protect against electric shock. Portable outdoor GFCIs can be purchased where electrical supplies are sold. GFCIs can also be installed permanently to household circuits by a qualified electrician.

  • Twas The Night Before Christmas

    ‘Twas the night before Christmas the neighborhood slept, no robberies or burglaries, not one single theft. we were being aware, it’s our job, and it’s tough, but when neighbors work together, crooks can’t do their stuff.
    We see you have deadbolts, and your windows are pinned.
    You’ve joined “Neighborhood Watch,” and that’s how you win.
    When your neighbor goes traveling,

    keep an eye on his house,

    keep bad guys from stirring, except that darn mouse.
    Your car, locked while shopping, packages kept out of view,
    you double-checked your charge slips, and the bills on line too.
    Well, got to run, We’re out of time,
    so Happy Holidays, and thanks for helping us…
    Take A Bite Out Of Crime!
    from the five canyons neighborhood watch

    Tuesday, December 13, 2011


    The holiday season is a time for crimes of opportunity. Keep these tips in mind this season:
    Don’t leave packages in plain view in your vehicle – put them in your trunk.

    If you will not be home for deliveries, have your items delivered to a neighbor who will be home.

    Hold on to your money: Pickpockets have an easier chance to steal from you when shops are crowed. Always carry your purse tucked tightly under your arm, ladies. And for you men . . . it can happen to you too! Put your money and only necessary cards in your front pants pocket where it harder for a bad guy to get at it.

    Don’t park in secluded or dark areas of the parking lot. Be patient and courteous while parking.

    Try not to be the last to leave the store. Leave when the stores are still open and there are plenty of other shoppers in the parking lot.

    Shopping with kids? Teach them to go to a store clerk or security guard if you get separated.

    When you get home, remember this home safety reminder: Approximately 50% of all burglars enter the house via unlocked or open doors and/or windows. Keep all doors, including your garage door, closed and locked. Don’t display gifts where they can be seen from outside.

    When out on the town:

    With office parties and general Christmas celebrations, bars, restaurants and other venues that are often crowded during this season. Don't leave bags over the back of your chair and keep wallets and purses close to your body to make it more difficult for the pickpocket. Busy places makes it easier for the sneak thief, so be alert at all times. Make prior arrangements as to how you will get home. Avoid any potential disturbances on the street. Stay with friends if you can.

    Christmas Services in the Neighborhood

    St Benedicts Catholic Church 275-0001 Reverend Donald Wolf
    Saturday, December 24, 5:30 pm Children's Christ Mass
    Saturday, December 24, 11:30 pm Christmas carols followed by High Christ Mass
    Sunday,   December 25, 10 am Mass
    Sunday,   December 25, 12 Noon Mass in Spanish

    Living Love Christian Center, 273-1130, Pastor Mark Guinn
    Sunday, December 18, 10:30 am Christmas Play
    Sunday, December 25, 10:30 am (Only service)

    Wallace Avenue Baptist Church, 273-8679, Pastor Butch Bradley
    Sunday, December 18, 10:30 am Christmas Music Program
    Sunday, December 18,   5:00 pm "Nativity" movie, food and fellowship
    Sunday, December 25, 10:30 am The Lord's Supper (only service)

    Grace Fellowship New Testament Church, 273-4833, Jerry and Sydney Barham
    Sunday, December 25, 10:30 am Christmas Day service

    Christmas Party Time Tonight

    The Westside Neighborhood Watch will have it's Christmas party Tonight December 13 starting at 6:30 - 8:00 Pm at the Wallace Avenue Baptist Church.  Our special guest will be Santa Clause and the Dunbar Heights Community.

    Bring a gift to play dirty Santa max of $5:00 or a white elephant

    Hope to see you there!

    Tuesday, November 22, 2011

    Thanksgiving Safety Tips

    Here are some safety tips to keep in mind during this holiday season.

    If you have family visiting let them know about your fire escape plan and designated meeting place in case of a fire.

    Keep a fire extinguisher available next to your oven and know how to use it.

    If you have young children in your home keep them away from the kitchen unless they are helping with food preparations. Keep an eagle eye on them you never know when that little one might reach up and grab that hot pan or the knife on the counter.

    Use the back burners when possible and be sure to turn the pot handles in so that they don't extend over the edge of the stove.

    If you burn candles blow them out before you leave the house even if it is for a short time. Keep them out of reach of little hands.

    Home Safety when you are away!

    Use timers on lights to give your residence the appearance of being occupied.
    Your answering machine message should not indicate that you are not home, and don't use your name.
    Double check your door and window locks.

    Monday, November 7, 2011

    earthquake safety

    An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the Earth caused by the breaking and shifting of rock beneath the Earth's surface. This shaking can cause buildings and bridges to collapse; disrupt gas, electric and phone service.

    • Keep Calm.
    • DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
    • Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture, masonry veneers (such as fireplaces), tall furniture, and hanging pictures or
    • Stay in bed if you are there when the earthquake strikes. Hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place.
    • Do not use a doorway except if you know it is a strongly supported, load-bearing doorway and it is close to you. Many inside doorways are lightly constructed and do not offer protection.. 
      Doorways are no stronger than any other part of the structure. During an earthquake, get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on. This will provide some protection from falling objects that can injure you during an earthquake.
    • Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Do not exit a building during the shaking. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave.
    • DO NOT use the elevators.
    • Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.
    After an earthquake
    • Check for injuries.
    • Don't move injured persons unless they are in immediate danger. 
    • Turn on your TV or radio for emergency information and instructions.  
    • Check utilities for gas and/or water leaks, or broken electrical connections.
    • Be prepared to turn off utilities in the event they are damaged.  
    • Clean up medications, cleaning products, and/or flammable liquids.
    • Check food and water supplies.
    • Open cabinets carefully, to avoid objects falling out.  
    More information on earthquake safety is available through FEMA.

    Check on the latest earthquakes go to

    news on the latest

    Saturday, October 8, 2011

    What can I do about bullying

    This Post is for all of the kids out there that are being bullied.

    First and foremost No one deserves to be bullied. If it is happening to you, it is not your fault.

    Try to ignore the bullying, Try not to show that you are upset or angry. Make a joke, walk off and join some other kids. For example, if a student makes fun on your clothing, laugh and say, "Yeah, I think this shirt is kind of funny-looking, too."
    Bullies love to get a reaction - it's 'fun'. If you can keep calm and hide your emotions, they might get bored and leave you alone. As one teenager said, 'they can't bully you if you don't care'. The bully wants you to be afraid and to look afraid and upset. Sometimes when bullies don't get you to be afraid, they will stop.
    Try to stay away from the bully. Bullies like power and control. They feel more powerful when you are alone. Avoid areas of the school where there are not many students or teachers around. Don't bring expensive things or lots of money to school. Take a different route through hallways or walk with friends or a teacher to your classes.
    If you need help, don't be embarrassed about asking. Everyone needs help sometimes and asking for help to stop bullying doesn't mean that you are weak or a failure.

    If you are being bullied, tell a friend, Ask him or her to help you. It will be harder for the bully to pick on you if you have a friend with you for support.
    Write down the details of the incidents and your feelings. When you do decide to tell someone, a written record of the bullying makes it easier to prove what has been going on.
    Tell a teacher and tell your parents.
    Tell Someone! Make people listen to you and don't take no for an answer. It won't stop unless you do. It can be hard to do this so if you don't feel you can do it in person it might be easier to write a note to your parents explaining how you feel, or perhaps confide in someone outside the immediate family, like a grandparent, aunt, uncle or cousin and ask them to help you tell your parents what's going on. I know that this does not cover all aspects of bullying but I do hope that it helps some.

    Friday, October 7, 2011


    Who is a bully? A bully is someone male or female, that repeatedly harms another person by purposely making them feel uncomfortable, hurting them by hitting,pushing,kicking or tripping, name calling or spreading rumors or making menacing gestures, even leaving someone out of an activity. Bullies are usually physically, or socially stronger than the person that is being bullied.

    Why people bully? Could be that they want to be seen as popular, or to gain attention, they could even be jealous of the person being bullied, it is also possible that they are being bullied themselves into being a bully. Or they enjoy feeling power over someone. On occasion they don't realize that they are hurting the other person.

    Why are some people bullied and not others? Sometimes a person is being bullied for no reason, or because they are different IE: the way they talk, dress, their name, because they are smaller, or that the bully thinks that they won't stand up to them.

    Ways to tell if someone is a bully. Being accused of being a bully at school or elsewhere. Gotten into trouble for fighting, speak about others as being stupid or other negative words. Or by saying that others deserve bad things happening to them or showing a lack of concern for others in bad situations.

    Are you a bully? Are you seen by other students as tough and show little empathy for victimized persons? Do you repeatedly tease someone in a nasty way? Do you damage the belongings of other people? Do you desire to be dominate over others? Than you might be a bully
    Being bullied is not a rite of passage and can be avoidable.

    Thursday, October 6, 2011

    October Safety tips

    Here are some items to check during the month of October
    Fire· Replace smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries. A working smoke alarm should be placed on every level of the home and every bedroom.
    · Test detectors monthly to make sure that they are working properly.
    · Replace detectors that are 10 or more years old.
    · Discuss with your family fire safety, your emergency escape and meeting place plan.
    · You might even try a drill.
    · Have your home heating system tested for proper operation and CO2 (carbon monoxide) at safe levels. Every home should have a carbon monoxide alarm near every sleeping area.
    · Replace or clean (if cleanable) forced air furnace air filters.
    · Visually check fire extinguisher pressure. Replace unit if pressure is low.
    Auto safety checks
    Ready your vehicle for winter
    · Check all fluids, oil, coolant and windshield washer, replace as required.
    Check tire pressure when tires are cold, Inflate tires to the recommended pressure.
    · Properly inflated tires will increase traction, fuel mileage, and will wear longer.
    · Replace windshield wiper blades.
    · Purchase a good window scraper/brush.
    · Replace tires, belts and hoses as needed.
    · Get an engine tune up.
    · Check battery and clean terminals.
    · Pack an emergency safety kit for the trunk.
    Blanket, Extra clothing, gloves, hat, Snack food,
    Jumper cables, Small shovel
    Flashlight with new batteries
    Kitty litter or ice bite for emergency traction
    Prepare yourself for winter driving
    · Start out a little earlier for your trip.
    · Slow down.
    · Leave extra space between you and the vehicle in front.
    · Stay calm, watch for ice and slippery conditions.

    October/ November Neighborhood watch meeting

    Tuesday, October 11,  Jack Barrett owner of BDC Gunroom, will be speaking about how to buy a gun and how to be trained to use it.. The meeting starts at 6:30 and ends around 8pm.  The meeting is located at the Wallace Ave Baptist Church, entrance is around back.  Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there.

    On November 5, we will be having our fall clean up and cook out starting at 8am - 1pm. on the East side of the Wallace Ave Baptist Church.  The cookout starts at 4pm located at 801 W. Ford. Please bring pop and chips. Please contact Della Hutton at 273-2829 for more information.

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    Back to School Safety

    Bus Stops
    • Know your bus number.
    • Stay in a group while waiting for the
    • Do not play in the street. Stay on the
    sidewalk or grass.
    • Wait for the bus to completely stop
    before approaching it.
    • Look both ways before crossing the
    street to get on the bus.
    • Stay seated while on the bus and keep
    hands and head inside the windows.
    • If someone offers you a ride, say NO.
    • A parent could be at the bus stop
    before and after school for extra safety.

    Biking To School
    • Bright colored clothing will make you more
    visible to drivers.
    • Always wear a bicycle helmet.
    • Backpacks should be tight on the upper back
    and not dragging on the rear tire.
    • Respect traffic lights and stop signs.
    • Ride on the right, going the same direction as
    • Use appropriate hand signals.
    For Parents … Vehicle Traffic
    • While driving, be more aware of the speed
    limits in your neighborhood and around
    • Observe the sides of the roadway, watching for
    children walking and biking.
    • Give children right-of-way in crosswalks and
    school zones.
    • Avoid backing your vehicle at schools.
    • Children should exit to the right side of the
    • Do not leave until your child is completely on
    school property.

    Wednesday, August 10, 2011

    House fire listed as 600 W kirk

    9:45 structure fire on the corner of Popular and Pottenger.  This house has been vacant for several years.  The back part of the home was on fire as well as the pool.  Several of the fire trucks were called in. I will try to post some Pict's. We also had a car fire just down the street about 3 weeks ago it was a mechanical problem.

                                                     photos by Anita

    Friday, June 3, 2011

    Teaching you children about 911

    The three-digit telephone number "9-1-1" has been designated as the "Universal Emergency Number," for citizens throughout the United States to request emergency assistance.

    Remember that you don't need any money to call 9-1-1 on any pay phone.

    Stay calm and Speak clearly
    Listen carefully to the Dispatchers questions and answer each question carefully.
    Verbally answer all questions. Remember the Dispatcher cannot see your hand or head gestures, signs or motions.
    State your emergency.
    Do not hang up until the Dispatcher tells you it is OK to do so. They may need to ask additional questions regarding the emergency or an EMS dispatcher may give your instructions to help stabilize the patient before the ambulance gets to your location.
    Follow the instructions of the Dispatcher and remain calm.
    If you can, stay by the phone in case the 9-1-1 call-taker needs to call you back.

    Here are some of the questions the dispatcher may ask you if you are reporting a crime in progress:
    Give a brief description of what occurred.
    Where exactly did the incident occur? Include building and room/area.
    How long ago did the incident occur?
    Did the suspect(s) have any weapons?
    Which direction was the suspect headed?
    Was the suspect on foot or in a vehicle?
    What did the suspect(s) look like? Describe each suspect one at a time.
    Height; Weight
    Hair Color; Length
    Glasses/Facial Hair
    Was the suspect carrying anything?
    Vehicle Description, Color, Make, Model, License Plate

    To help your child remember important numbers, keep a current list of lifeline numbers next to the phone. Print it in big letters so that if your child still has difficulty identifying the numbers, they can just look at the numbers and locate them on the keypad.

    Have your child practice on an unplugged phone. They can dial 911 and you can be the call-taker. Ask them questions about the pretend incident. Do this kind of role-playing repeatedly. Kids like make-believe and repetition.

    If you are teaching your children about 9-1-1, consider the following:
    • First, it is important that your child be taught their address and telephone number.
    • Secondly, make sure your child can physically reach at least one telephone. Wall mounted telephones can be unreachable for really small children.
    • Discuss with your child any situations that may be unique to them. This could include an elderly live-in relative; younger sibling; or any other unique factor that the child might encounter.
    • The 911 service is for emergencies. It is important to teach your child not to play with or misuse 9-1-1
    • Always refer to the number as "nine-one-one" not "nine-eleven." In an emergency your child may be confused when they can't find the "eleven" button on your telephone.
      If you would like to arrange to have your child call 9-1-1 for real, as part of your training program, please call the dispatch center at  273-2121 and let the dispatcher know you are training your child about 9-1-1. Ask the dispatcher if they have time to handle a 9-1-1 test call from your child before you place that 9-1-1 call.

    Sunday, May 15, 2011

    Gun Safety

    Teaching your child about gun safety is your responsibility. Teach your child that he or she must not touch a gun in your home or those of their friends homes. Talking openly about gun safety with your child is usually more effective than just ordering them leave them alone. Kids are curious, uniformed children are likely to get hurt! Teach them the following rules about guns.

    • Stop! Never assume that the gun is a toy.
    • Don't Touch!
    • If your child finds a gun outside somewhere it is possable that the gun could have been used in a crime. Fingerprints on the gun could be destroyed if touched. And the gun could be loaded and ready to fire.
    • Leave the Area!
    • Tell an Adult! If the gun is found outside the police should be called as soon as possable and directed to the scene.
    • Treat every gun as if it is loaded and ready to fire, even if you know it is empty.

    • Let them know that guns are capable of destruction, bodily injury, and possible death if misused.

    Store guns somewhere so that they are inaccessible to children and others. Keep them locked up. With the keys for the gun and ammunition in a different area from where they are stored.

    If your child knows where your gun is teach them not to tell their friends and schoolmates that there are firearms in the house.

    Use a gun trigger lock. And Teach your children not to handle guns without your supervision.

    Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. Where if the gun discharged nobody would get hurt. A safe direction is to point it at the ground and to the side.

    Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. Keep it alongside the frame.

    Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use, and Store the ammunition apart from the gun.

    Never allow horseplay even if you know that it is unloaded.

    Discuss gun safety with other parents if your child spends time in their homes.


    If your child hears another child saying that they are going to bring a gun to school tell them that is is very important to tell a teacher, the principal or another responsible adult. These threats should be taken seriously.


    Tuesday, May 3, 2011

    How well do you know your neighbors?

    • How many of your neighbors do you know by name?
    • Would you watch over your neighbors home if they were away?
    • Would you bring them food if one of their family members were sick, or had died? Would you even know?
    • Would you call the police if someone was breaking into their home or car? Or would you even care!
    • If you were in the middle of an emergency do you know who you could turn to for help?
    • Do you know your neighbors kids, their dog?

    If your answer is, I don't Know who my neighbors are! Than it is time for you to go outside and meet your neighbors. Here are some suggestions on what you could do to meet the challenge of meeting your next door neighbor.

    A smile can go a long way. It makes a person feel noticed and acknowledged, a smile can brighten up someones otherwise down day.

    Say Hello, it only takes a moment to say the five letter word.

    This summer complement your neighbor on their yard. You could take them a cold drink of ice water while they are mowing the yard.

    Once you get to know your neighbor share a meal with them it doesn't have to be a full course dinner just a sandwich and chips will do. Or you could invite them over this summer for barbecue. Or it could just be cookies and coffee.

    Join or start a walking group. This will allow you to see your other neighbors and get to know who lives where.

    Knowing your neighbors can bring a sense of security. It is nice to be able to have some one to go to for help or being able to help your friend. Leaving for vacation, get to know your neighbor. Get involved with those around you, know who they are, look out for them and they will look out for you, smile and say hello, and they will respond in kind. You never know when you might meet your very best friend. When you know who is living around you, if you get to know them well, you will see that you feel safer at night.

    How to be a better neighbor:

    • Be considerate, don't play loud music or make excessive noise late at night.
    • Offer to pick up their paper and keep an eye on their place when they are gone.
    • Let them know if something is suspicious near their home.

    Sunday, May 1, 2011

    Where to recycle in Shawnee

    Faith 7 301 S. Kennedy
    Shawnee Public Library 101 N. Philadelphia
    South Central Industries 130 N. Louisa
    Public Safety Center HWY 177

    Cans (aluminum)
    Allied Recycling Homeland at Independence
    Ball Pipe 701 E. Hardesty Road
    Faith 7 301 S. Kennedy
    South Central Workshop 130 N. Louisa

    Faith 7 301 S. Kennedy
    South Central Workshop 130 N. Louisa­

    Household items, books, clothing, accessories, furniture, small appliances (clean and in working order)
    Salvation Army Thrift Store 330 E. 9th
    Goodwill Industries 733 E. Independence

    Plastic containers (milk jugs, soda bottles)
    Allied Recycling, Inc. Homeland at Independence

    Paper (newspaper and office paper)
    Allied Recycling Homeland at Independence
    Faith 7 301 S. Kennedy
    Staples 4737 N Kickapoo
    South Central Workshop 130 N. Louisa
    Shawnee Senior Center 400 N. Bell

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