Remember that you don't need any money to call 9-1-1 on any pay phone.
Stay calm and Speak clearly
Listen carefully to the Dispatchers questions and answer each question carefully.
Verbally answer all questions. Remember the Dispatcher cannot see your hand or head gestures, signs or motions.
State your emergency.
Do not hang up until the Dispatcher tells you it is OK to do so. They may need to ask additional questions regarding the emergency or an EMS dispatcher may give your instructions to help stabilize the patient before the ambulance gets to your location.
Follow the instructions of the Dispatcher and remain calm.
If you can, stay by the phone in case the 9-1-1 call-taker needs to call you back.
Here are some of the questions the dispatcher may ask you if you are reporting a crime in progress:
Give a brief description of what occurred.
Where exactly did the incident occur? Include building and room/area.
How long ago did the incident occur?
Did the suspect(s) have any weapons?
Which direction was the suspect headed?
Was the suspect on foot or in a vehicle?
What did the suspect(s) look like? Describe each suspect one at a time.
Height; Weight
Hair Color; Length
Glasses/Facial Hair
Was the suspect carrying anything?
Vehicle Description, Color, Make, Model, License Plate
To help your child remember important numbers, keep a current list of lifeline numbers next to the phone. Print it in big letters so that if your child still has difficulty identifying the numbers, they can just look at the numbers and locate them on the keypad.
Have your child practice on an unplugged phone. They can dial 911 and you can be the call-taker. Ask them questions about the pretend incident. Do this kind of role-playing repeatedly. Kids like make-believe and repetition.
If you are teaching your children about 9-1-1, consider the following:
- First, it is important that your child be taught their address and telephone number.
- Secondly, make sure your child can physically reach at least one telephone. Wall mounted telephones can be unreachable for really small children.
- Discuss with your child any situations that may be unique to them. This could include an elderly live-in relative; younger sibling; or any other unique factor that the child might encounter.
- The 911 service is for emergencies. It is important to teach your child not to play with or misuse 9-1-1
- Always refer to the number as "nine-one-one" not "nine-eleven." In an emergency your child may be confused when they can't find the "eleven" button on your telephone.
Complex Post. This post helped me in my college assignment. Thanks Alot