Friday, January 23, 2009

Crosswalk at Burns and Kickapoo

To the City of Shawnee Traffic Commission:

This letter is concerning the placement of a crosswalk and other safety measures on the corner of Burns and Kickapoo.

There are several reasons to install a marked crosswalk at this location:

  1. To indicate a preferred pedestrian crossing location, so that the students of Shawnee High School, and others needing to cross Kickapoo at this location, will have the right of way, because markings are viewed as proof that pedestrians have a legitimate right to share the roadway.
  2. To alert drivers to an often used pedestrian crossing, for those that live in the Westside Neighborhood Watch area.
  3. As an indication of school walking routes, for the students of Shawnee High.
  4. This is also an often-used crossing location for the students that choose to eat lunch from Love’s. In addition, for those that patronize other businesses on the East side of Kickapoo during lunch hours and after school.

It is important that both drivers and pedestrians clearly see the crossing. With a pedestrian crossing warning sign or signs. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Advance crosswalk pavement markings. The design consists of rectangular, white bar pavement markings sized and placed to form a triangle on travel lanes in advance of crosswalks.
  2. Advance stop lines prior to the crosswalk with a (Stop Here for crosswalk) sign in each direction.
  3. On this crosswalk crossing and others in the city of Shawnee the word >LOOK<>
  4. Portable “Yield to Pedestrians” crosswalk signs placed before the crosswalk on the roadway.

It is also important that the public should be educated about the latest pedestrian safety measure. When the crosswalk is placed at the corner of Burns and Kickapoo.

Thank you in advance of your consideration and approval of this crosswalk.

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