Westside Neighborhood Watch Meeting: February 8, 2008
Opening Prayer:
Minutes approved and seconded for last meeting in November
Dora Mize: Balance in the Westside Neighborhood watch bank account $248.70
Donations $48.12
Expenses: 99.17 for Christmas party
Drawing: 293
It has been voted on and Butch is not resigning at the present time.
Oklahoma state bureau of narcotics and dangerous drug control: Mr. Woodward did a presentation for about 45 min. Thank you Mr. Woodward.
Anita Codopony is new Vice President she also does the blog. Motion to accept Anita as vice president and seconded. Passed.
Maps: Thank you Della Hutton for putting all of the businesses that are in our watch area on the maps.
Butch recommend that we donate $100 to the church. There was a motion and was seconded.
Butch made a list of names and numbers of officials with emails that we need. Some are hard to find and Dora Mize help him find the last two numbers.
Meeting closed.
I hope that you all don't mind but I haven't posted all of the notes. Due to space. If you would like to read them please don't hesitate to ask for them at the next meeting.
Dear Anita the maps were not done by Thelma Gibson there were donated and done by Della Hutton. Please make a correction as Della put a lot of work into those.Sondra